• Police Officers or PCSOs for Sussex Police?
    I retired as a Sussex Police Officer in 2009 after more than 31 years of service. At the time of my retirement, I held the rank of Detective Chief Superintendent, Head of the Sussex CID. Prior to this I was the Divisional Commander for Brighton and Hove. Having retired as a police officer I joined the S.E. Regional Organised Crime Unit, still working in an operational policing function, fully retiring in January of this year. This means that I have a total of almost 40 years policing service. This experience as a police officer and subsequently as a police staff member was wide and varied which I believe enables me to speak with some authority on policing. I am a member of a large group of other retired officers who remain in contact with each other through social media. Although we are retired, without exception, we still care about Sussex Police and the service that it provides to the local communities within the County. We, probably along with large numbers of the public, have become increasingly concerned regarding the ability of Sussex Police to be able to respond to incidents reported by the public. Indeed, this issue has been recently publicised by officers currently serving with the Force. They have a genuine concern that the low numbers of front line police officers available may lead to the safety of the public and the officers themselves being compromised. This concern is not exaggerated and is not scaremongering as some current senior officers would have us all believe but is a genuine fear based on their professional experiences. This fear is hardly surprising. Police officer numbers in Sussex have fallen from 3,200 to a little over 2,500 between 2010 and today. Whilst the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Katy Bourne, has secured a considerable increase in funding for the new financial year of 2018/2019, through a rise in our Council Tax precept, she and the Chief Constable, Giles York, intend to recruit around 140 additional PCSOs in order to boost Neighbourhood Policing Teams. Whilst this may assist in increasing a uniform visibility, PCSOs do not possess the powers of police officers and therefore cannot deal with the types of incidents that officers can respond to. This is not designed to undermine the work of PCSOs, but this issue should be about increasing the numbers of police officers. Whilst Sussex are recruiting large numbers of PCSOs, our neighbours in Kent are looking to take on an additional 200 police officers. Other forces within the country are also looking to increase police officer numbers similarly through reducing numbers of PCSOs including Lincolnshire. We therefore pose the question as to why Sussex are choosing to recruit extra PCSOs when the Force are struggling to attend incidents reported by you, the public. The time taken for officers to attend incidents reported by the public has increased considerably in recent times. This is despite the fact that officers no longer attend certain crime types that they used to such as household burglary or other incidents determined to no longer require the attendance of a police officer. We, as retired officers, believe that this is not right or appropriate and therefore the public are being let down. Therefore, we argue that the time is now right to challenge the decision making of the PCC and the Chief Constable. We would ask that you, the public, join us in attempting to achieve this change in thinking.
    1,128 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Moore
  • Cambridge Anlaytica
    This is incredibly important for the freedom of people and democracy around the world. It is difficult enough for people to make a decision of importance based on information which is provided by a Biased and propagandist media. Psychological manipulation and deliberate large scale misinformation is despicable and very dangerous. Why was a Phd professor having been asked to leave Cambridge university return after 3 years in South America , then allowed to continue at Cambridge under his new name of SPECTRE ? It beggars belief. Why was Steve Bannon involved in both BREXIT and the Trump vote Along of course with many others ......
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kevin Fitmaurice-Brown
  • Anti-bullying classes at School
    Raising awareness of bullying is an important issue to many parents, carers, and young people who are victims of bullying. It is becoming more and more frequent at this school, to the point where children are having to be relocated at other schools. Bullying has a devastating affect on young people and their families. The rates of suicide and self harm in young people is on the rise due to suspected bullying, whether it be cyber bullying, physical and/or psychological. This matter is important to me as family members of mine have experienced bullying directly and I have witnessed the effects it has on them both physically and mentally. There were over 24,000 Childline counselling sessions with children about bullying in 2016/2017 and more than 16,000 young people are absent from school due to bullying, as stated by the NSPCC. This is happening in schools because young people are not being educated on how bullying others and making a person feel worthless effects the young person whom is being bullied. Children who are being bullied also don't know where to turn to or what to do, this may also apply to the children that are bullying others. I feel that making a point of having set times where children, parents, teachers, can learn about the full effects of bullying may just save some lives, this will allow children to attend their place of education without fear. School's have a duty of care to children, and, currently this duty is not being carried out. Children need to feel safe in their environment in order for them to grow and learn. It's about time the school acted on it's anti-bullying policy and protected the children that are under their care. I have attached the link to an Inquiry into bullying and harrasment in schools, it's worth a read to get a feel of how the young people in schools feel about this subject, and notice the age of the kids that are giving feedback. This needs to be stopped. http://www.parliament.scot/S5_Equal_Opps/General%20Documents/Children_in_Scotland_-_commissioned_by_EHRiC.pdf
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jade Brown
  • Help Murray and others like him: Make medicinal cannabis available on the NHS
    My 5 year old son Murray has Doose Syndrome / Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy (MAE). This is a rare form of epilepsy and means he lives with up to 600 seizures a DAY (4 different seizure types). He has spent months lying in a hospital bed shaking, now uses a wheelchair and has only been able to attend school for 3 weeks this year! It is very hard to control with the medicine currently available and it has been proven in other countries that medical cannabis helps people with illnesses like his. In the USA medical cannabis has helped stop the daily aggressive seizures that children with this syndrome have. The government needs to make Medicinal Cannabis legally available so that the NHS can administer it safely and change the lives of thousands of people with illnesses that could be helped by it. Thanks to the thousands of people who signed this campaign so far, Murray has now been granted a special licence to be prescribed CBD, he's the first person in Scotland to get one. But this campaign is about more than just one patient, it's about doctors being able to give all patients the medicine that could help them.
    243,310 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Gray Picture
  • Enforce muzzles on hunting hounds when out with local hunts
    Too many pets have been killed in their own gardens by hounds who are allegedly trail-hunting or on a ride out with the hunt, as in the case at Norbury Junction on the 13th March 2018. This episode again revealed that the hunt have little or no control over their hounds once an animal is scented and makes a joke of the current fox hunting ban. Enforcing the use of muzzles may help to prevent other animals experiencing such a barbaric and grotesque death, and should also benefit the hunt by ensuring they remain on the right side of the law. Hunts found to have unmuzzled hounds should have these animals confiscated and prosecuted accordingly. Hunts who are found to have hounds which have killed foxes, pets or livestock should also be prosecuted and the dogs treated in the same way as any other dangerous dog.
    3,170 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Steph Lonsdale
  • National Trust Board of Trustees to consider their positions.
    The board no longer represents the views of it's members, or the public on hunting. Trail hunting does not exist and was created to exploit loopholes in the Hunting Act. All of the hunts involved have vowed to continue hunting, and habitually go hunting without trails being laid with a pack of dogs trained to kill Foxes. They could easily convert to drag hunting if they wished to avoid killing animals, instead they go armed with terrier-men whose only purpose is to dig out animals that are hiding in fear of their lives. Despite banning terrier-men on National Trust land, the hunts still regularly go out to kill animals with no evidence of a trail being laid, and the National Trust do nothing to monitor the activity that they licence, instead answering their members concerns with disingenuous copy and paste answers, and all of this after they used their block vote to override the members wishes. Enough is enough, it is time for them to go!
    1,966 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Taylor
  • Save Alistair’s sleepover staff
    Because Alistair has profound learning disabilities, epilepsy, schizophrenia and severe autism. He has no awareness of danger and an unstable gait, meaning he is very likely to fall and cause serious injury when not supported. Alistair will also self harm and become aggressive when he feels nervous and doesn’t have someone there to help him and make him feel safe.
    1,861 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyndsey Forrest McColl
  • Make indiscriminate Killing of Wildlife by Companies Illegal
    This is the United kingdoms legacy to its children We have a moral responsibility to retain Britain's wildlife, not wipe it out of existence. We have a responsibility to show our children compassion toward living beings We have a responsibility to show our children that the almighty £pound is not the be all and end all of our existence. - Morals before destruction - compassion before profit - responsibility, accountability and transparency
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ria Knott
  • Cancel or Not Renew Kingdom Security Contracts
    Local authorities in North Wales have contracted third party private company Kingdom Security to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for environmental crimes such as littering, dog mess and a range of other matters. As Kingdom Security (KS) is funded entirely from the FPNs it issues, it has a financial incentive to break all rules in order to maximise profit. The company has been exposed in the media for incentivising its employees to issue as many FPNs as possible. This has seen minors, the elderly, the disabled and the most vulnerable people in society deliberately targeted with FPNs valued at £75 for trivial littering by cigarette butts (the bulk of FPNs issued). The KS employees frequently employ intimidatory tactics on those least likely to challenge their accusations. They concentrate on high footfall locations to maximise profit while ignoring the type of anti-social crimes most people are opposed to. They persist in ignoring the law and guidelines, issuing FPNs for accidental littering for example rather than drawing the attention to it and rectifyng the issue. They routinely lie and withhold pertinent information to convince often innocent people that they've committed an offence. Virtually all court cases have seen charges dismissed. Kingdom Security is a menace. The aggressive behaviour of the company's employees is so bad in North Wales now, everyone knows someone negatively affected by them. They do not reduce littering or dog mess and even if a FPN is issued, the litter or mess remains as neither the litterer not the KS employee is compelled to clean it up. I myself have never received a FPN, but when I dared mention the actions of KS in my town and file a Freedom of Information request to Denbighshire County Council, I had the council employed over-seer of KS make repeated visits to try and track me down. In the end, he approached me in a public street in an attempt to get me to retract everything. This was an unsolicited approach by a man who had previously been told to stay away from me and who was prepared to break the law to try and silence me. This is just one story of hundreds that can be told in North Wales about KS and the local authorities contracting it. This petition is aimed at telling the five councils involved that enough is enough. KS is destroying the very fabric of North Wales society. The company must go.
    2,308 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Scott Felton
  • Fully Fund Policing in England and Wales
    For years the government has cut funding for our police, putting our police services under incredible pressure. Shrinking budgets mean that we have lost over 20,000 police officers since 2010. Police officers work hard every day, doing their best to keep us safe, but they simply need more money and more resources to do the job. In the last year violent crime has risen by 20%, and a leaked Home Office report says cuts to police budgets “may have encouraged” violent offenders and have “likely contributed” to a rise in serious violent crime. The government need to give the police the money and resources they need to protect us and make sure violent crimes become rarer - not more common.
    2,629 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Cook
  • Police chiefs must genuinely consult campaigners protesting against the onshore oil and gas industry
    The police continually insist they value dialogue with campaigners who oppose plans to drill for oil and gas in local communities. It doesn’t feel that way, however, to people who are taking part in protests against these activities. Instead, they have condemned the way their human rights have been repeatedly trampled on by the police, how concerns raised with senior officers about aggressive policing are ignored and how formal complaints are hurriedly dismissed. Campaigners say officers have pushed them into hedges, violently dragged older people across roads, shoved others into speeding traffic and persistently made arbitrary and incomprehensible arrests.  For eighteen months, the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) has kept promising to review the direction it gives local forces on the policing of these protests and at last, this now seems imminent. Despite pressure from Netpol, however, the senior officer leading the review has been extremely reluctant to consult directly with campaigners, despite their invaluable first-hand experiences of the way policing operations are conducted. We say: meaningful dialogue and genuine accountability means listening to critical voices. We want Lancashire Assistant Chief Constable Terry Woods - the NPCC Lead on Shale Gas and Oil Exploration - to take consultation seriously and formally invite members of the public to submit their testimony on the policing of local anti-fracking protests. The NPCC then needs to brief all the participants in the consultation on how its national guidance has subsequently been updated and improved.
    1,318 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Netpol Campaigns Picture
  • End the hunger strike of 45 immigrants detained indefinitely at Yarl's Wood
    It is inhumane to imprison people indefinitely, without being convicted of a crime, often with no legal representation. As one of the detainees has said "We want the Home Office to listen to us and stop the injustice of indefinite detention..It is the uncertainty that is most difficult, I can deal with imprisonment if I know my sentence. But here, there’s no criminal record, and no clarity about what's going to happen to me. It's a pain that we all bear on a daily basis." (Al Jazeera 28.2.18 - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/02/women-detained-yarl-wood-hunger-strike-180228195926024.html)
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Wolf