• Save Our 394 Glossop - Marple - Stepping Hill Hospital Bus
    The Monday to Friday service is to be withdrawn from 28th March 2014. The bus links the rural areas of Charlesworth and Chisworth to shops and doctors' surgeries and shops of Marple and Glossop and provides a link to railway stations at Glossop, Marple and Hazel Grove.The bus is a direct link from Marple and Hawk green to Stepping Hill Hospital.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Slater
  • UK Government To Force All Supermarkets To Give Unsold Food To The Needy
    There is far to much food waste when we have people going hungry. All stores should be required to donate unwanted food to charities and to food banks. It should apply to any supermarket with a footprint of 400 square metres or larger. If companies flout the law they are to incur fines. Supermarkets are to sign a donation deal with charities, which will be able to increase the quality and diversity of food that they currently get and distribute. In terms of nutritional balance, they currently have a deficit of meat and a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables. This will hopefully allow food-banks to push a fresh source of nutritional quality food to people and families in need.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Sue Sampson
    14th-18th Dec 2015: over 350 individuals came to Loaves and Fishes Charity in East Kilbride for food for their family. They were desperate - mothers crying because they had nothing for their children to eat. Some were walking 3-4 miles with children in the rain. If it's happening in E.K. then it's happening in other areas. We get constant cries for help from social work & welfare depts because they can't help them. Their only crime is being poor. At least during World War 2 our mothers payed for their food. 2016 they come to food banks because they have no money
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DENIS CURRAN
  • Do not remove the second fire engine from Oakham Fire Station
    If you are not aware, the decision has been made to remove the second fire engine and retained Firefighters from Oakham Fire Station on the 31/03/16. Removing the second fire engine and retained Firefighters from Oakham Fire Station will mean slower response times to emergencies, which will have a significant impact, putting life and property at greater risk in Rutland and surrounding areas. There is also a very high likelihood of the Heavy Rescue Unit (HRU) also crewed by Oakham retained Firefighters and used for incidents involving larger vehicles also being removed. You may be aware that Uppingham are now recruiting retained Firefighters…..! This is because they are under crewed and struggle to keep their fire engine “on the run” (available for calls). If the second fire engine at Oakham is removed, the fire engine at Uppingham in most cases will be the fire engine to cover Oakham when the first fire engine (Oakham’s first fire engine) is on a call. When Uppingham are not available it could be a fire engine from Melton or Leicester covering. We all understand that money has to be saved, but removing front line services in not the way. We all pay our council tax with a proportion of it going to Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority (check your council tax demand notice for details). We do not mind paying this as we all feel that if we are unlucky enough to be involved in an accident or a fire, with rapid response from the fire service hopefully the outcome will not be too severe. If the removal of the second fire engine goes ahead leaving a greatly reduced service, putting life and property at greater risk in Rutland and surrounding areas, do you think we will then be getting a discount in our council tax to reflect the change…? I doubt this very much, so we would be paying the same for a greatly reduced service. We cannot let this happen, we need to keep all the people of Rutland and surrounding areas as safe as possible and respond to emergencies as quick as possible. This will be your last chance to make your opinion count; I fear that if the second fire engine is removed there will be no chance of it returning. Please sign the petition.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steve Atterbury
  • Stop financially penalising disabled people
    My daughter has a life long incurable disability. She did not choose to be so disadvantaged. She was born with the condition and her fiance has the same impairment. Both have autism, are highly intelligent, and like 90% of other people on the autistic spectrum are unemployed. The DWP placed them both in the 'support' group. This is a curious name as neither actually receive any extra assistance, financially or practically. It basically means they are 'unemployable', which is not great for self esteem. Neither chose to be out of work, on benefits and to live in poverty. What stops them, like others with disabilities, getting a job is employer attitudes, an individual's health, lack of experience and job opportunities, a review by the house of lords found in 2015. They were planning to get married this year and we were all looking forward to the day. It would have been a small family occasion, but something to celebrate. Even this small piece of happiness has been smashed by the latest revelations in the Guardian. Under the Tory welfare 'reforms' - I think the word 'changes' is more appropriate - if they marry, they will be moved over onto universal credits, which are less generous than the tax credits and ESA they currently receive. So much for the Tory endorsement of strong families. They have very little money now. Married, that would be even less. The hypocrisy amazes me. Iain Duncan Smith's speech in the summer of 2015 made the point that if the government wants to reduce the employment gap for those with disabilities, then support and financial investment are vital. Instead, these cuts are driving some of the poorest households into further poverty and penalising people who are too disabled, or sick, to work.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Moore
  • Keep concessionary charges for disabled people in Cambridgeshire
    This is important because this will stop disabled people from accessing the library in the way they do at the moment. The decision was made with no consultation. Due to the nature of some disabilities some people cannot read books, but benefit from literature in different ways. The charges will mean people will start having to pay to use a service that is available free for people without disabilities in the form of books.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Sykes
  • Better mental health provision in the UK
    I lost my husband to mental health just before Christmas. This has ripped apart and devastated our family. As a family we were failed. We were given very little support and information. Basically left to cope on our own. More needs to be done. Mental illness can be a killer like cancer and heart disease but it has a very low profile and funding. This needs to change and it needs to change NOW! More and more people are suffering. Mental health wards are full yet run on minimal staff. Patient care is lacking and community follow up is so stretched that the support just isn't there. We need to change this for now and future generations. As a nation we need to do something. Stand together and fight for more help. Everyone knows someone affected. Please sign and support me in this campaign so we can hopefully change the lives of those suffering. Its what my husband would want us to do...he wasn't happy with the care he had.
    577 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Cath Fletcher
  • What the Frack! Regular referendums. Let the UK public vote for their future.
    Members of the public find it difficult to support a political party 100%. Our system is out of date, our MPs out of touch, the public go unheard. We agree with points made by the Lib Dems, the Conservatives, Labour, the Green Party, the SNP etc and sometimes we disagree with them all. Either way we can't communicate with the government effectively. The system needs to work for us all but instead it's dusty, nobody really understands it or cares to sort it out with any long term vision. We need to start again. Simplify. Direct questions, direct answers. If regular referendums were to take place, the public are truly part of the process, allowing us to demonstrate what we care about, that we're united and want to invest in the future of this land and it's people. Less moaning and more doing, having a proactive and fair say, feeling satisfied that the decisions are being made and supported by the majority of the UK. Let the UK public vote for their future. This Kingdom can then begin to feel proud and respected, and most importantly, united.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tezia Perret
  • I the undersigned wish to see the GP’s Surgery at Luddendenfoot maintained
    Whilst it’s great to live in such a beautiful part of the region, rural areas get a rough deal when it comes to services. I want to see the Doctors Surgery in Luddenden maintained to ensure those who depend on these services can continue to live in our area.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Owen Gilroy
  • Stop HMRC wasting money by posting out 'Annual Tax Statements'
    You have cut back on staff and made your service hopeless for those who need to query you - from personal experience those on low income and having to take agency or multiple jobs in a short space of time are assumed to be tax dodgers and put on emergency rate when they are those who can least afford it, yet you neither investigate or prosecute those who are dodging thousands of pounds in tax. Use money to provide a better service not a pointless additional information exercise.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hirst
  • Stop the 73% cuts to youth services in Southwark
    The council plans to cut £2.5million from the youth service budget leaving less than one million to work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in London. We have 13 youth projects in the voluntary sector which could suffer as well as 8 youth centres as part of this 73% cuts. What will be left for young people in this Borough? The council promised not to cut front line services yet this is being proposed. We would also lose experienced and specialist workers in the sector as the services would transfer to the Environment and Leisure department. This will de-professionalise and de-skill professional youth workers leaving little to no varied provision. They are planning to delete ALL 122 full and part time jobs and replacing them with 42 part time posts. Southwark News report: 19.11.15 Richard Taylor, founder of the Damilola Taylor Centre after his ten-year-old son was killed on the Peckham estate, said this was no time to cut youth services as serious knife crime continued to blight the borough. “Bearing in mind the level of killing, stabbing and violence, this is not the right time. This is the wrong approach and a bad decision for the council. As Jeremy Corbyn has said 'austerity is a political choice'. Southwark must not abandon young people while sitting on millions of pounds of reserves which can be used to support the local community along with the fight to get more money from central government. Southwark Trades Council will be campaigning with the local government unions and community to stop these cuts. We will be lobbying the Council Assembly and have asked for a deputation at the Cabinet on Wednesday 24th November. Please join us. For more information contact Pat Shelley - Head of Youth and Play Services [email protected] or southwark Unison: [email protected]
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Southwark Trades Council
  • Save Our Services - Herefordshire
    So many services are under threat and not always from an inability to fund, but more often from an ideological battle where money is wasted on vanity projects the public never asked for. From Libraries, Museums, to Respite Services ... there is a tendency for people to feel their single issue is more important than another, but all have their own importance, so this is a petition to include some issues not already covered by individual campaigns against a common threat to our daily lives.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Perkins