• Permanently ban fracking in North Yorkshire
    Why is this important? fracking in North Yorkshire could: pose a risk to health contaminate water hit house prices increase traffic in nearby communities and make it harder to meet climate targets NYCC ignored the will of the people. It is vital we overturn their decision and ban fracking to protect North Yorkshire’s people and environment from a dangerous form of energy extraction.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julian Shaw
  • GMB - Stop Supporting Fracking
    Fracking has been proved to be destructive to the environment and to peoples health. Instead of promoting the use of this filthy and dangerous process ,the GMB should be campaigning to further increase the use of renewable energy sources which will result in the creation of many jobs, including for their own membership. The 21st Century demands a proper response to the issue of rampant climate change and this response would be enhanced with the support of all of the major trades unions.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Anderson
  • Make the UK's energy cleaner
    It is important because as humans it is our duty to protect the Earth and preserve it for future generations. If we do not act soon our thriving environment will deteriorate before our eyes so therefor we appeal to the government to invest into more into green energy so that we can have a secure future. It is also of economic importance because if we do not make the change to sustainability now other countries will over take us in technology and we will no longer be a pioneering country. Even if the fossil fuels will last us in the short term at some point we will have to make the change so why not do it now and save the environment while your at it? Air pollution has already proven its self destructive to our health and unless in the future we all want to wear filter masks we need to reduce our CO2 outputs now. We would like stricter regulations on energy companies and more renewable energy sources to support our growing demand. If you want a sustainable future please sign our petition.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linnea Roberts
  • We want our recycling services to be better in Wiltshire (don't close down our recycling centres!)
    We love recycling and being an environmentally friendly and thoughtful to our environment. We want our recycling services to allow us to be passionate about our green space and protecting them too. But Wiltshire council do not allow us to recycle plastic other than plastic bottles from our home's. We know that more plastics can be recycled and that this can be cost effective in providing further energy Collections are every week, but recycling is collected once every 2 weeks.We want to recycle more and not have full recycling bins stopping us from recycling more. Wiltshire has two Anaerobic Digesters that are capable of handling contaminated food waste, yet food waste this being transported to Slough.* No food waste is being collected from our home's, despite these Anaerobic Digesters and the high value for money from food waste And today we found out that although Wiltshire council has a limited number of House Hold Recycling Centres that allow recycling of higher grade plastics, they've announced the recycling centre in Tisbury will be shut on 21July 2017 as " it is no longer cost effective to continue to provide this service when Wiltshire residents are now able to recycle the same items at the kerbside". Because the people of Wiltshire our so passionate about recycling we manage to achieve over 50% of waste being recycled. But the above is preventing us from being able to increase that number. Please sign to ask for: 1. recycling of plastics at kerbside 2. weekly recycling collection 3. food waste recycling 4. stop the closure of recycling centres (starting with Tisbury) 5. Wiltshire council to use AD in Westbury not Lakeside near Slough Source: *Tracy Cater of Wiltshire council "Wiltshire Council delivers 50,000 tonnes of non-recycled waste (which includes some food waste) each year to the Lakeside Energy from Waste Facility near Slough. A further 60,000 tonnes per annum is delivered to the Mechanical Biological Treatment facility in Northacre, Westbury"
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Archer Picture
  • Divest Williams
    Climate change is one of the most important ecological concerns facing the planet.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Cohn-Sherbok
  • £20 should not be made from palm oil
    The use of palm oil in products is causing serious environmental harm across the planet. It is linked to major deforestation in many countries, causing widespread loss of habitats, including the rainforest habitat. In fact, 27 million hectares of the earth's surface has been used for the cultivation of palm oil. It is now widely used in a range of products, and is currently in up to half of products sold in supermarkets. Flying over countries where palm oil production is concentrated is shocking. Seeing huge scars across landscapes which should be covered in rainforest is unacceptable when there are suitable alternatives. Allowing palm oil to be the substitute for tallow is not acceptable. This must be stopped. This is not the right substitute. It is unnecessary to add another demand and reason to increase palm oil production.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Buckland
  • On BREXIT remove the 20% VAT from e-literature
    Ebooks and paid e-literature (electronic newspaper/magazine subscriptions) carry 20% VAT but paper books, newspapers and magazines are zero rated for VAT. In the past we have been told that EU legislation prevents a 0% VAT rate and that e-literature is a 'service'. After BREXIT the UK will set VAT rates on this. Claiming e-formats are a service but paper is not is ridiculous since both formats require: an author an editor formatting Only paper requires tree felling, transport, manufacture, printing, storage, eventual disposal. Re-pulped books require de-inking & disposal of toxic waste. E-literature does require digital delivery but we are charged VAT on the whole product rather than the digital delivery service alone. (This would be about 2 pence) e-formats need little oil, produce little toxic waste & add almost nothing to carbon emissions. The government should encourage e-formats by removing this bizarre VAT.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Chapman
  • Independent review of 'Big 6' energy companies prices
    People are being put into further poverty due to ongoing price hikes in energy prices. Trust in this industry is at an all time low and the Government is not being seen to do enough to help people. I believe a peer to peer review will look at the issue from a customer perspective and all details will be passed to Government to review recommendations on improving the industry.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Warner
  • Firmus Energy- We Cannot Afford a 12.2% Increase in Domestic Gas Prices
    Fuel poverty is a major issue in Northern Ireland. People are already having to choose if they should ' heat or eat.' This extraordinary price hike will make it impossible for people to heat their homes, dry their clothes and wash their children. Those worst affected will be low income families and those caring for elderly relatives or the disabled. Firmus is the main supplier of energy to those in social housing. Firmus say that they have no choice but to pass on to the customers the increases they have had to pay on the global gas markets. This is untrue. While gas prices spiked last year, they have continued to fall since.Gas prices on international markets are now similar to the prices large companies paid in February 2016.Prior to this point gas prices had been in almost continual decline for approximately 3 years. No one has received a 12.2% pay rise, there has been no similar increase to pensions and benefits. People simply cannot afford to pay this higher tariff. I cannot afford to heat my home. Please sign this petition asking for Firmus Energy to reconsider their price increases. We appreciate that that they must set their prices with profit in mind but to increase the cost to customers by 12.2% is not only unfair but is also morally wrong.
    472 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Davy Mcauley
  • Stop Tesco Dropping British Sugar!
    Tesco has decided to pull British-produced Silver Spoon from its shelves and has instead opted to sell Tate and Lyle cane sugar, which is imported from as far afield as Belize, in a bid to “provide the best possible prices” to customers. Sugar industry representatives said it was a blow to a sector estimated to employ 1,400 people and supporting a further 9,500 skilled jobs – the majority of which are based in East Anglia, where most of the nation’s beet crop is grown and processed. Michael Sly, Chairman of the National Farmers’ Union’s sugar board said: “NFU Sugar and its growers are hugely disappointed that Tesco is no longer selling Silver Spoon sugar which is proudly grown by British sugar beet producers,” said Mr Sly. “Not only is it a great product, the sugar beet industry makes an important contribution to the rural economy. “What makes it even more frustrating is that Tesco has chosen to deny consumers the choice of buying home-grown sugar which is produced sustainably, benefitting both the economy and the environment alike.”
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annelise Savill
  • Assist Japan In Solving the Fukushima Crisis
    The continuous spread of radiation from the destroyed nuclear plants at Fukushima will not only affect those who live locally, but also many countries with coastlines on the Pacific Ocean and to a lesser degree the whole world. Therefore it is not just in the interests of the Japanese Government and TEPCO to solve the crisis, but the whole international community. On March 11th 2011 a tsunami knocked out the generators of the cooling systems of the Daiichi Nuclear power plant, resulting in explosions and three meltdowns of the reactor cores. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Young
  • Tell Teresa May to raise Climate change withTrump.
    In his first acts as president, Donald Trump has frozen funding for key environmental agencies, removed 'climate change' from whitehouse and epa websites and prevented the publishing of data. We call on the Prime Minister to be unequivocal in resisting climate change denial which is a danger to the u.k.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Stevenson