• Keep childrens menus in family pubs
    Family need to be able to feel comfortable going out their local pubs for a meal. Children will not learn how to behave in public places such as restaurants and pubs if parents feel that they cant take them into such places. Families like to socialise and celebrate special occasions... usually with family meals out... local pubs need this business.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Miller
  • Change the laws of next of kin status
    Until it happened to me I didn't realize after 28 years together the last 12 as my partners full time carer in that 12 years my partners family had no contact with us her mother then took legal advice to prove I wasn't legal next of kin. People who had not even asked how she was or did we need any help for 12 years were her next of kin I had to fight for a portion of her ashes too from my hospital bed where I Was seriously ill with a life threatening illness. As the law currently stands you have to be married or civil partners neither of which we could do because my partner had severe mental health issues,social anxiety syndrome and agoraphobia. I know for a fact a lot of people are in the very same position I am even if you are classed as next of kin on their medical records it means nothing if they die. Also if you split from your husband/wife and do not divorce they are still legally your next of kin and can demand all your possessions even if they were bought by someone else.Also you can end up homeless if the property is in the deceased persons name. Please sign and share this because you never know what is around the corner
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Roberts Picture
  • Thomson Holidays - Select Your Seat Tax
    Although it is just plain right rude to split a family up at the beginning of their family holiday it also causes safety issues for fellow passengers and stress to the parents travelling with children. Thomson Holidays #SelectYourSeat procedure puts profit before a child's welfare!
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joel Combes Picture
  • Save Raktim Kar from being discharged without financial assistance
    Raktim is a brilliant and bright pharmacology PhD student at University of Greenwich. He has worked and paid his national insurance contributions and is a model citizen from work in Sainsbury's pharmacy department. He is only 30 and has his whole life in front of him.He has paid his NHS surcharge and stopping NHS treatment or care now would be detrimental. If his student visa is not extended he cannot get treatment in 🇬🇧 and will need to travel abroad to India whilst unwell. He is fully integrated in the UK.He was discovered unconscious in his room end of May 2017 and was taken to Royal London Hospital. He needs help with feeding and washing. He has been moved to Newham University Hospital. We are raising funds https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/raktimvasha
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emefa G
  • Child support from absent parents
    This is important because a child's well being needs to come first. A child doesn't choose to be put here or choose to have an absent parent just toss them to the side. We need to teach the next generation that we stand up to our responsibilitys. It takes 2 people to create a child so therefore 2 people are responsible. It's important that the parent that has full time care is taken seriously, which at present we are not.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicci Shirley
  • Keep brexit-mixed marriages together.
    Partners in brexit-mixed marriages don't know if their family will be torn apart by political horse-trading. The stress of not knowing what the future holds for them is unneccesary. Giving them dual citizenship is an humane solution and is the easiest thing to set up. It avoids creating special categories, procedures and measures to administer.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian James
  • Bring back Bodger and Badger
    On 5th June Andy Cunningham died due to cancer bodger and badger Was everyone favourite show andy Cunningham make all the fan laugh and I think he deserves his show bodger and badger got to return back on to our television.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harry Featherstone
  • Support the court case demanding the UK keep it's promise to child refugees (DUBS)
    After the government has refused a second vote on the issue in parliament, the charity Help Refugees (represented by Leigh Day solicitors) is taking the Home Office to court over the Government’s failure to make suitable arrangements for relocating and supporting a specific number of child refugees as promised by the scheme currently known as "DUBS" under UK immigration law. For those who haven't heard about DUBS, it was an amendment made to 2016 law which requires the government to make arrangements ‘as soon as possible’ (after 31 May 2016) to relocate and support a ‘specified number’ of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. This scheme was created as a response to the increasing pressure on the UK to help in what has been deemed the worst refugee crisis since World War Two. In February of this year our Home Office abandoned the continuation of DUBS quietly in Parliament, and local governments and charities across the UK have been trying to fight the decision. Help Refugees has now launched a formal legal challenge against the government as part of a last chance effort to protect what is truly a lifeline for unaccompanied/lone children fleeing war and/or conflict to Europe. Keeping the DUBS scheme is essential because currently there are 28 million children uprooted because of conflict in their own countries but over 1/9th of the world's refugees right now are in Europe and children make up a third of these numbers (and above 45% in the South East of Europe such as Greece and Macedonia), which make legal channels like DUBS essential for these kids to be able to begin a better life and to not be left to be targeted by traffickers and abusers who focus on Europe's camps. As the 6th richest country in the world, the UK is denying it's international commitments by reversing yet another safe legal passage for these children. Our local councils have said the UK can take in 4000 more children - meaning we have the capacity, all that's lacking is the willingness of our government to support our capacity to give. In its stance, the Home Office is targeting without justification children who have absolutely no one else to turn to and whose lives and futures are at significant risk right now. They have lost everything, meanwhile our government stands from a distance and says we have nothing to give. The Charity Help Refugees and those lawyers standing against the Home Office this week, are doing so because they reject this position. They reject that this is the UK we believe in. We ask the UK public to support this court case as the last chance to keep this scheme in law. We ask that you sign and spread the word about this case and that you don't let the lives of so many kids be determined behind closed doors. Let's shame the Home Office for its position, let's stand tall and fight for the right of these children to a better future from conflict.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Jackson
  • Ban feeding seagulls
    There is a local resident that feeds seagulls 3 - 5 times a day earliest feed is at 5:15 am. The noise Is horrendous and there is bird excrement everywhere it has become unbearable. It is disgusting and and totally anti social towards the other residents.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Couper
  • Make Jermain Defoe and Bradley Lowery Sports Personality of the Year 2017
    For once a footballer has stood up and been a proper role model for kids and shown them how to behave. Awarding Jermain wouldn't just be for him but an award to show that being a good, decent person in a money orientated game is the best way to be. Thank you Jermain Defoe.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reuben Thorne
  • Speed Calming on The Loaning/Ladywell Road junction
    Its important to get the idiots who refuse to slow down on this road to obey traffic rules and regulations so it prevents the 1st death! As it is going to have a death happen to do anything about it.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Symington
  • Give St Philips catholic school a school crossing person
    This is important in preventing a tragic incident . Many people visiting arundel speed and are unaware there is a school by the cathedral. When parents cross with their children it is dangerous with little visibility and cars parked everywhere .
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Missy Trent