• Penalties against custodians turning away people accompanied by Assistance Dogs
    Because last year there were 2,463 refusals by service providers against disabled and impaired recipients of Assistance Dogs across the U.K.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Damian Pavillard
  • Re-instate Sound Money
    The current system of creating money through the sale of ever increasing layers of debt, and now, the BofE operating an unaccountable balance sheet which defies principle or prudence, is plumbing the depths of fantasy economics, is unsustainable in nature. It is starting to resemble a listing pirate ship liable to sink at any moment. Only Sound money can deliver a reduction of inequality, a sustainable future for the environment and the next generation and re-establish trust in government, creating a new united kingdom that everyone can believe in.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Naysburn
  • Maintain funding for Homeless and Disabled Supported Housing
    The cuts to funding will hinder people with learning disabilities, who want to live independently, as well as homeless projects, potentially creating a Postcode lottery. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/dwp-disability-cuts-supported-housing-mencap-womens-refuges-homeless-hostels-a7309466.html#gallery Ministers say it is needed for efficiently, but picking on vulnerable members of society, will only increase problems further down the line. Steps to tackle corporate tax dodging would be a better way of making these savings. As someone who is disabled myself, I feel very strongly, that people like us should be able to live independently, and contribute to society, and not be made to feel we are being cast out. Growing up, I was made to feel a second class citizen by peoples attitudes, and have felt we have made a lot of progress through coverage of the Paralympics, being a great example.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Blakemore
  • The breach of rights for profit must stop
    This has created a massive impact on the UK welfare population that goes all the way to mothers caring for their disabled children, charging people ludicrous fines and causing much suffering for those affected. For example of this here's links to supporting articles such as a woman accused of being married to a dead pensioner http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/37339981 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/teen-mum-tax-credits-stopped-8825953
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jade Halford
  • Find temporary housing for the homeless in Sheffield
    Because no one deserves to be homeless. And given that it's soon going to be winter, it will make a rather bleak looking Christmas look slightly more cheerful.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Withers
  • Government to build an adequate supply of affordable rented accommodation
    This is important because over the last 35 years local authorities have been denied the funding to build enough affordable rented accommodation. At the same time, Central Government has encouraged Local Authorities to sell off council properties, thus diminishing the stock available to house people from the waiting lists.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Bennett
  • End 'red cards' for punishing homelessness
    Claims that being on the streets is 'anti-social' have nothing to do with the brutal reality of those ending up there or giving them somewhere to live and is simply an attempt to socially cleanse those hardest hit by the housing crisis from sight: this callous and stupid policy must be dropped as soon as possible.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christian Garland
  • In support of the principal of exception site affordable housing for local families
    There is a need to find ways in which young families of existing village families can afford to continue to live in the Parish. The Exception Site scheme does this without opening the door to other development outside the current planning envelopes & protection.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Warren
  • Tax Empty Homes
    In the midst of a housing crisis it is unacceptable that so many properties lie empty or derelict. Too many young people find it impossible to gain the independence they would have taken for granted fifteen or twenty years ago. Taxing empty properties based on the amount of time they've been empty and their value would incentivise owners to help ease the housing crisis by selling or letting vacant properties to those who are desperate for a home of their own.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Rees
  • Stop West Ham ground being turned into unaffordable flats
    The old West Ham ground is set to become 800 luxury flats. We are being told that they will be affordable but "affordable" housing never actually is in anyone's budget but the rich. Upton Park is already hugely overcrowded with services pushed to breaking point. The West Ham site being reinvented is a great chance for the council to build more services for local people and take some pressure off of existing ones. One measly community centre being built on the site is not good enough when 800 more families will be moving in to the site.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgia Bell
  • Contol rental prices in the UK
    So today as a family we were informed that our rent is increasing in line with current market value. Basically the estate agent's want to make more money and our landlord wants more return from his investment. We have no choice but to accept or we'll have no where to live and we've made this our home. We are not able to have a voice, we are at the mercy of powerful letting agents and landlords. Is this all really fair without any consultation? How do they expect families to find money when cost of living is constantly rising? Do you not think this is ludicrous considering we aren't well off enough to buy a house but our rent is more than a mortgage. Regulations need to be introduced to stop letting agents charging over the odds and pushing families further into poverty. I think it is really unfair and they need to be stopped. If he increases it further we just will not be able to afford to live here. This issue isn't just having an affect on us but on friends and family of ours who also rent and have been forced to submit to rent increases. We have no choice as we don't want to be out on the streets but is it fair to pray on the vulnerable for financial gain? There's a shortage of social housing as it is but more people will be in need of it is we're pushed out of rental properties as we can't meet the high rents. Please help me take this forward to prevent this happening to other families. We won't be able to fight our rent increase this time as we need a roof over our head, even if it means our quality of life is reduced but we will be out on the streets if this happens again. We want the government to: 1. Bring rents under control: Introduce rent controls that ensure rents are set at affordable levels, and that increases don't force tenants into poverty. Rents should be determined by the quality, size, location and facilities of the home. Rent controls are the norm in most of Europe and were used in the UK until the 1980's.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Coles
  • Place restrictions on foreign property investment in the UK
    It's time to claim back housing from the monied interests of people who have no stake in the UK and return it to homes for people to live in. Housing is a corner stone of a functioning society and in a time where the situation is in a chronic state we need to take drastic action. Politicians for reasons unexplained, champion the purchase of property by foreigners as "investment in the UK" but never explain the supposed benefits of property sitting empty, doing nothing. For sake of argument I am talking about foreign investors who buy UK property and do not live in it. There is simply no benefit to the UK in letting this continue, the house builder makes some money on the build, there is stamp duty in the sale and then what? If a property is sat empty it doesn't contribute any benefit to the UK, there is no-one in it creating any ongoing economic activity. Banning foreign investor ownership may sound drastic, but it's nothing new, Australia, Denmark and Switzerland all place restrictions on foreign ownership for all the same reasons that we've experienced in the UK.[1] Additionally, in the wake of the Panama scandal we see that a lot of people use property as a way of storing dodgy money, be that untaxed or money that has been extracted out of their country illegally or through crime.[2] You may see Chinese owners of UK propery, but did you know that Chinese citizens are only allowed to remove $35K a year out of their country by law?[3] It has been widely thought that London property is a safe haven and major holder of a lot of corrupt money.[4] There has been a big trend for many new build properties in London, and increasingly other big cities, to be advertised and sold to foreign buyers before anyone in the UK gets the chance to purchase them.[5] It's time housing was reclaimed as somewhere for people to live, not somewhere for people to store criminal proceeds, tax evaded earnings or at the very least worse case, an investment that sits empty. If this petition gains enough traction I will formally start a petition through the parliament.uk web site to attempt to secure a debate in parliament. Politicians have had 10-15 years to enact change on the housing crisis but have failed time and time again with ineffective policies. The UK government needs to put people living in the UK ahead of foreign investors - it's time to call for change. [1] http://www.theguardian.com/money/blog/2015/nov/21/foreign-buyers-british-property [2] http://www.private-eye.co.uk/registry [3] https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/no-stairs-and-square-rooms-only--the-madness-of-the-foreign-buyers-spending-billions-on-london-homes-165014502.html [4] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-property-boom-built-on-dirty-money-10083527.html [5] http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/oct/04/-sp-british-homes-marketed-hong-kong-first-time-buyers-galliard
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Civati Picture