• Stop The Gov Rushing Through New Anti Protest Policing and Sentencing Bill
    Stop the government from making this bill official legislation, don't let them take away our civil freedoms and rights to speak up against government action. This Bill is a complete assault on out freedoms, and therefore inhibits the entire definition of democracy in this country as we the constituents continue to lose our voice. The bill was posted on the the house of commons website on the 12th of March and its being rushed through parliament on the 16th. Please sign the petition and don't give up your voice.
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Adams
  • Listen to Meghan: Stop press bullying
    They did it to Meghan and Harry. They did it to Caroline Flack, to Gareth Thomas and Ben Stokes, and to hundreds of ordinary people every year. Just to sell newspapers and make money. Press abuse - the publication of relentlessly intrusive, untrue, and often personally abusive stories about people in national newspapers - has to stop. Many of the people affected are well-known. That shouldn't make them fair game for newspapers to attack for a quick profit. But thousands of the people attacked in the press are not well-known at all. They are victims of terrorist incidents, small business-owners, academics. Anyone who is caught up in a news-worthy event, or who even publicly says something which a newspaper finds objectionable. Newspapers get away with this behaviour because they aren't regulated. The BBC is regulated, and so is the news on other TV stations and the radio. Yet most newspapers remain outside of any independent form of accountability (they are members of a body called "IPSO" instead, which doesn't have regulatory powers and is controlled by the press). We need the Government to act to stop press bullying & abuse. Add your name today.
    1,169 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nathan Sparkes
  • Remove Helen Mary Jones from Office
    This is important because Helen Mary Jones (HMJ) has openly and proudly made speeches using derogatory and abusive terminology under the Equality Act 2010 towards trans people and trans communities as part of a repeated pattern of behaviour over years. HMJ has used her position in the Senedd to campaign for gender identity to be taken out of legal protections. We are concerned about what effect HMJ is having on Plaid Cymru, and the toxic impact she is having on LGBTQ communities across Wales. This has resulted in Youth Cymru ejecting young trans women from their meetings because of HMJ’s behaviour. Plaid Cymru is approaching activists and trans rights organisation asking to give donations and asking to buy funded training. We believe that this is an underhanded approach to damage control institutional transphobia and not address the root of the cause. Training is just the top of the iceberg. HMJ has been repeatedly enabled on a personal and institutional level directly by Plaid Cymru and Adam Price. We are worried that Plaid Cymru is choosing to actively turn back decades of good work by Plaid Cymru around equality issues to alienate would-be voters and members of Plaid Cymru. She has shown no remorse for any of this behaviour and we are worried about the environment that Plaid is creating for trans people and trans allies. Here is an article about HMJ's transphobia: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-55259522 Here is HMJ speaking with trans exclusionary hate group A Woman's Place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe2CjrBTC7w Here is the written testimony of a young trans woman of colour, Shash, who was ejected from a meeting because HMJ was there: https://itsshash.com/posts/llais-fanc-hustings-silenced-2021/ Here is another article about HMJ's transphobia: http://www.peoplefirstwales.org.uk/2018/04/trans-women-belong-in-womens-places.html ht
    881 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Yasmin Begum
  • Investigate Queen's Consent!
    The Royal Family has a worrying and undemocratic ability to influence the government behind closed doors before final decisions in parliament are made. One way this happens is through ‘Queen’s consent.’ This requires new bills which would have a direct impact on the Queen’s powers or interests to be submitted for her formal consent. Without this, laws cannot be made. It is unfathomable that in the 21st century, in a democracy, the Queen and the Prince of Wales hold such great power. It may well be a constitutional monarchy in theory, but it seems that the monarchy has a lot more power than many previously thought.
    68,026 of 75,000 Signatures
  • FASD. Em’s law. Mandatory Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder training for all professionals
    Ems law was started by Ems mother, Ali Mccormick, after her child had been so systemically abused, misunderstood and failed by social care children’s services, camhs, previous education, police, courts and respite carer, that she collapsed from extreme trauma after unlawfully being put on child protection by a social worker not even qualified to do so. She eventually became so mentally unwell from being failed that she tried to take her own life and ended up in a mh unit who unlawfully restrained, failed to provide her assessed needs, injected and abused her and denied her humans rights to even see her family. There is not one provision in the uk for fasd and mh residentially. Over 7000 babies are born every year in uk alone and the worlds most common learning disability in the world, which can, and does, cause devastation to the person and their families/ carers Parents are ignored and often tragically blamed for the behaviour of their disabled child People are being incarcerated in mental health hospitals, prisons or punitive correction centres due to a lack of awareness of fasd and support. This is a world pandemic of injustice, unnecessary pain and monstrous disaster. People with fasd can achieve and do well in life. The correct provisions and scaffolding put in place can change lives. This tragedy needs urgent attention. Please sign and share everywhere, and make Em’s law of raising awareness of FASD mandatory, as well as knowledgeable support services.
    2,403 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison mccormick
  • Do not let the Home Office deport rough sleepers in Manchester
    At the start of December, the UK government introduced cruel new rules which mean that people born outside of the UK who experience homelessness could lose their right to live in the UK and face being deported. Many people who moved to the UK have worked and raised families here, but when they fall on hard times their immigration status can mean they have “no recourse to public funds” and are unable to access help with housing or any financial support. In the middle of a pandemic which has left many people out of work and struggling to keep a roof over their head, we should be helping find people safe warm homes, not putting them on deportation flights. For this policy to work, it needs local councils to let the Home Office know details of people experiencing homelessness. Several councils across the UK, including Liverpool, have committed to not sharing sensitive personal data of rough sleepers with the Home Office to prevent cruel deportations, and make sure people aren’t afraid to turn to councils for help if they need it. Sign the petition now to make sure Manchester Council makes the same promise.
    80 of 100 Signatures
  • Do not let the Home Office deport rough sleepers in Bristol
    At the start of December, the UK government introduced cruel new rules which mean that people born outside of the UK who experience homelessness could lose their right to live in the UK and face being deported. Many people who moved to the UK have worked and raised families here, but when they fall on hard times their immigration status can mean they have “no recourse to public funds” and are unable to access help with housing or any financial support. In the middle of a pandemic which has left many people out of work and struggling to keep a roof over their head, we should be helping find people safe warm homes, not putting them on deportation flights. For this policy to work, it needs local councils to let the Home Office know details of people experiencing homelessness. Several councils across the UK have committed to not sharing sensitive personal data of rough sleepers with the Home Office to prevent cruel deportations, and make sure people aren’t afraid to turn to councils for help if they need it. Sign the petition now to make sure Bristol Council makes the same promise.
    82 of 100 Signatures
  • Do not let the Home Office deport rough sleepers in Birmingham
    At the start of December, the UK government introduced cruel new rules which mean that people born outside of the UK who experience homelessness could lose their right to live in the UK and face being deported. Many people who moved to the UK have worked and raised families here, but when they fall on hard times their immigration status can mean they have “no recourse to public funds” and are unable to access help with housing or any financial support. In the middle of a pandemic which has left many people out of work and struggling to keep a roof over their head, we should be helping find people safe warm homes, not putting them on deportation flights. For this policy to work, it needs local councils to let the Home Office know details of people experiencing homelessness. Several councils across the UK have committed to not sharing sensitive personal data of rough sleepers with the Home Office to prevent cruel deportations, and make sure people aren’t afraid to turn to councils for help if they need it. Sign the petition now to make sure Birmingham Council makes the same promise.
    73 of 100 Signatures
  • Do not let the Home Office deport rough sleepers in London
    At the start of December, the UK government introduced cruel new rules - which mean that people born outside of the UK who experience homelessness could be deported. Many people who moved to the UK have worked and raised families here, but when they fall on hard times their immigration status means they have “no recourse to public funds” and are unable to access the support they need to keep a roof over their head. During winter it is more difficult for people experiencing homelessness to safely remain outdoors, but these rules will mean that people born outside of the UK will be unable to access any support because they fear being deported for rough sleeping. Brent, Croydon, Enfield, Islington, Hackney, Haringey, Lambeth, Newham and Southwark have all committed to not sharing sensitive personal data of rough sleepers with the Home Office to prevent these cruel deportations. Sign the petition now to make sure all London councils make the same promise.
    5,385 of 6,000 Signatures
  • Do not let the Home Office deport rough sleepers in Brighton and Hove
    At the start of December, the UK government introduced cruel new rules which mean that people born outside of the UK who experience homelessness could lose their right to live in the UK and face being deported. Many people who moved to the UK have worked and raised families here, but when they fall on hard times their immigration status can mean they have “no recourse to public funds” and are unable to access help with housing or any financial support. In the middle of a pandemic which has left many people out of work and struggling to keep a roof over their head, we should be helping find people safe warm homes, not putting them on deportation flights. For this policy to work, it needs local councils to let the Home Office know details of people experiencing homelessness. Several councils across the UK have committed to not sharing sensitive personal data of rough sleepers with the Home Office to prevent cruel deportations, and make sure people aren’t afraid to turn to councils for help if they need it. Sign the petition now to make sure Brighton and Hove Council makes the same promise.
    929 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Fight with us, live with us. Armed Forces Veterans Automatic Right To UK Citizenship
    Recent cases of potential forcible removals of Fijian ex-UK Armed Forces Personnel, and their families, highlight a morally questionable policy, practise and process, that is discriminatory and has an unequal logic and an affront to previous service.   Introduction of this legislation, applied equally to all ex-Armed Forces Veterans, would close this gap and recognise service and sacrifice to Queen and Country.
    17,733 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Dan brooks
  • Don’t cut UK aid
    The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced that he would cut around £4 billion from the UK aid budget from 2021. This money represents just 0.2% of UK’s Gross National Income (GNI), but tens of thousands of lives could be lost, and countless more livelihoods impacted, because of these cuts. UK aid saves lives. Every year, UK aid ensures an estimated 5.6 million women and girls can access clean water and better sanitation. It means an estimated 18.6 million children are immunised against serious diseases and helps over a million girls go to school. [1] UK aid is linked to UK income. So when times are tough and the UK’s gross national income falls, so too does the amount of aid we give. This means UK aid has already been cut by nearly £3 billion in 2020 due to the economic impact of Covid-19. This extra £4 billion marks a double blow for the world’s most marginalised people, at the worst possible time. Boris Johnson needs to know that the British public won’t stand for a cut in UK aid. This is not building a “Global Britain”. This is turning our backs on millions of people, particularly women and girls in marginalised communities, who are struggling to survive. Will you sign the petition urging Boris Johnson not to cut UK aid? [1] UK Parliament: Departmental Update 28 October 2019: https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2019-10-28/HCWS44 *Photo: Jenifer uses a handwashing station provided by ActionAid at her school in Burundi. Credit: Salvator Cubwa/ActionAid
    52,591 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by ActionAid Picture