• Stop Old Chester Road being used as a shortcut / cut through. Making a safer Village for residents.
    Old Chester Rd is currently not a through route due to building works closing off a section of the road. It has been noted by residents how this has improved the safety of our rds as predominantly only residents are now using it. The Lidl / New Medical Centres / Scout hut / Village Hall / Car Park will attract additional visitors and worsen the traffic on our local road and we propose that vehicular access be prohibited after the entrance to the new car park to prevent this. It would not affect the pending Lidl as the plans indicate a pedestrian only access from Old Chester Rd. Given the aged population overall for Old Chester Rd, this does not seem reasonable. Environmental noise levels, pollution, rd crossing risks without crossings all make this proposal preferential to ensure that Great Sutton Village remains a village environment. Implementation of the 20mph speed limit has had zero impact and cars flying down the road are disruptive to sleep and put people and animals at risk. Having 2 access routes and no through access would also increase the safety of businesses and residence on Old Chester Rd, making it less likely that armed robbery attempts would be made given the reduced access to escape.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sally Morris
  • Say NO to £1,200 Bridgwater Town Councillor Pay Decision
    The recent decisions by Bridgwater Labour Town Councillors not only burden residents with a 164% council tax increase, costing each of us at least an extra £120 annually but also see them awarding themselves a comfortable £1,200 pay annual pay. This self-serving move creates a stark contrast – while they insulate themselves from the financial impact, hardworking residents bear the brunt. Joining this campaign for change is vital because it's about fairness, accountability, and ensuring that our elected representatives prioritise the community's well-being. No one should be shielded from the consequences of their own decisions, especially when it directly affects the wallets of those they're meant to represent.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Diogo Rodrigues
  • Pot holes in Crewe
    Crewe Cheshire East
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Cooper
  • Gamblers awareness month
    Gambling ruins lives. Families are torn apart, people commit suicide, loose jobs and their homes, some end up in prison.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Melvin
  • Suffolk to allow pets to ride on buses
    This will bring well-being for people who cannot travel with their pets. Will bring more people to visit town Center and other places in and around Suffolk. Pets are FAMILY, not animals.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James C
  • Force Credit Card Companies to Limit Pay-at-Pump Reserve Amounts and Reversal Period
    The current regulation is not fair and reasonable as the onus is then on the customer to have to raise the issue with the card issuer and/or then complain to the Financial Ombudsman. Once again a supposedly independent body takes the side of financial institutions.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Lovelady
  • Scrap the daily charges on Gas & electric bills
    Other people should join this campaign as the people I’ve spoken to all feel the same way, I’ve not had one person think there’s any value gained by this charge. Some people have had the same meter for over 20 years so they could’ve bought a meter & have no charges now.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenny Smart
  • Give Alan Bates and all other victims of the Horizon scandal the compensation they deserve
    Alan Bates, the former sub-postmaster who led the campaign for justice in the Post Office Horizon scandal was offered an “offensive and cruel” amount of compensation, a sixth of what he’s requested. So, he plans to reject it. Bates' campaigning inspired the recent “Mr Bates vs The Post Office” TV drama which told the story of sub-postmasters and postmistresses who were wrongly prosecuted due to faulty accounting software. He is one of thousands eligible for compensation from the Government. The Government, along with Fujitsu who created the Horizon software, will be hoping that public anger will have died down for this campaign. But, their latest act shows that we need to carry on the fight to help these innocent people get justice and compensation.
    135,418 of 200,000 Signatures
  • REFERENDUM NOW! Stop Taunton Town Council from trebling our council tax!
    No taxation without representation! Do you believe the forecasts from Somerset Council of a £100m budget shortfall when their numbers have not been independently audited and verified? Valued public services with modest budgets like toilets, CCTV and recycling centres are to be cut, when internal efficiency savings have yet to be made, whilst financial management and budget forecasting in this new Somerset super council does not command public confidence. It is time that these budget forecasts and tax rise proposals are put to the public in a referendum. In good conscience, how could anyone vote for the current cuts, whilst so many questions as to how this new super council got into this parlous state “out of the blue”, remain unanswered?
    180 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Orr
  • Do not introduce charges for parking overnight and Sundays in Stamford
    In the last financial year car park charges brought in a staggering £1.161m for SKDC. Despite Stamford only representing 14% of the district's population, the charges for parking in Stamford make up 72% of this figure, over £800,000. Meanwhile parking remains free in Bourne and Deeping. Visitors to Grantham can also park for free for 1 or 2 hours in Grantham's council run car parks. Stamford is therefore subsidising free parking across the rest of the district. Currently visitors to Stamford can park for free from 6 pm to 8 am and all day on Sundays and Bank Holidays. SKDC plan to introduce overnight, Sunday and Bank Holiday charges across Stamford car parks in April 2024. This is unfair and will impact district-run services such as Stamford Arts Centre, whose visitors use Wharf Road car park for free when attending evening classes, rehearsals and performances. This will have an impact on several of the churches in Stamford, many of whose parishioners drive into Stamford to attend services. This will also impact the restaurants and bars in Stamford. It will also add to the parking problems faced by residents of Stamford who rely on limited on-street parking. Please sign if you care about supporting the residents, businesses, churches and visitors to Stamford.
    2,852 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Wheeler
    preserve our heritage and stop the destruction of this beautiful building
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anthea Page
  • Ban noisy Fireworks! (Quiet ones are available)
    It affects the whole Nation especially elderly vulnerable people, family pets and people/servicemen with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Rudder