100 signatures reached
To: Touts,ticketsite resales,
Awakenings festival- registration

Fellow ravers,
As many of you know, this year awakenings sold out in record time,and with in minutes,the ticket resale pages and the awakenings community/forums were jammed with people with no intentions of attending the festival, but looking to cash in and make extortionate money of genuine people who were unlucky not to get the chance to buy a ticket,
As many of you know, this year awakenings sold out in record time,and with in minutes,the ticket resale pages and the awakenings community/forums were jammed with people with no intentions of attending the festival, but looking to cash in and make extortionate money of genuine people who were unlucky not to get the chance to buy a ticket,
Why is this important?
Awakenings needs a proper registration process like Glastonbury where if ya can’t go, awakenings buys your ticket back and resells to people that never got the chance on the original sale
Iv been in contact with awakenings and with a few emails exchanged they agree somewhat that something needs to change so this may fail BUT if I get enough signatures il send this to awakenings so get it signed and shared an beat the touts to keep the prices low.
It’s worth a go
Iv been in contact with awakenings and with a few emails exchanged they agree somewhat that something needs to change so this may fail BUT if I get enough signatures il send this to awakenings so get it signed and shared an beat the touts to keep the prices low.
It’s worth a go