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To: George Osborne

By George, he's gone and done it.

Don't sell off our shares in RBS at a massive loss of £13 billion loss to the tax payer

Why is this important?

It's official: George Osborne has just announced Britain's biggest ever privatisation. He's going ahead and selling off RBS at a loss of £13bn -- a huge loss to the taxpayer.
It's part of the rush to privatise Britain -- an ideological move to hand over power and profit to corporations.
Just as he's pushing through £12bn of welfare cuts that will hit the poorest and most vulnerable in society, Osborne is prepared to sell RBS off at a £13bn loss. £13bn is enough to plug the gap, protecting our public services and preventing austerity.
We’re already paying for the banking crisis that we didn’t cause, and now Osborne wants to return RBS on the cheap to the people who caused the crisis in the first place.
Just a few months ago, George Osborne was insisting we’d get our money -- the £45.2bn spent to save RBS from collapse -- back from any sale of the bank. Now, after the election, he thinks he can get away with selling it at a massive loss by rushing through the sale before we have time to stop him.
Let’s prove Osborne wrong.

How it will be delivered

I will email the signatures and any messages received to George Osborne, also to the Prime Minister Mr David Cameron. Then I will forward copies of the petition to shadow Treasury secretaries of all opposing political parties.


2015-06-17 17:05:55 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-15 19:52:56 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-14 12:45:06 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-13 18:46:39 +0100

10 signatures reached