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To: Prime Minister Liz Truss MP and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng MP

Don’t increase bankers’ bonuses

Don’t increase bankers bonuses during a cost of living crisis

Why is this important?

The Government should be focusing on providing support for ordinary people around the country - not city bankers.

Millions of people up and down the country are struggling to make ends meet. As energy, food and fuel prices continue to go through the roof, many of us will be forced to make the impossible choice between heating and eating this winter.

This is the wrong policy at the wrong time. Why should city bankers be first in line for help when millions of people around the country don’t know how they’ll keep the lights on over the coming months?

These caps on bonuses were introduced to provide a more balanced economy - and to get away from a culture of bankers taking “excessive risks”. If Liz Truss believes in ‘levelling up’ the whole of Britain, then she should prioritise places outside of the City of London and put ordinary people at the front of the queue for support.



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