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To: Government


Ban gaming advertisements

My husband watches Sky and it is notable that Gambling advertisements are on the screen. There are advertisements for Coral, Sky, Paddy Power, Betfair and Sun Vegas.. Every advertisement or commercial ends with the phrase “Always gamble sensibly’.

How hypocritical is that? Here we have a chance to help. Alcohol and Smoking are banned so why is gambling, an other addiction, not.

Why is this important?

Gambling is the hidden addiction after smoking, and alcohol. And it can be just as destructive. It ruins families. I know of one family who lost everything and ruined five lives. His wife divorced him. Th children lost a father. And he had mortgaged his house against his gambling debts.. So his wife was left with a huge debt.



2021-02-14 04:59:20 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-02-08 10:44:57 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-02-05 19:06:37 +0000

10 signatures reached