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To: Network Rail CEO Mark Carne

Remove the Pointless Fence on Den Lane, Uppermill, Saddleworth

Network Rail are putting up a galvanised steel fence in the middle of a Conservation Area.

We want them to stop, pull it down, and put it nearer to the track out of sight which is where the original one is.

Why is this important?

It is important because this fence is destroying a beautiful place that is a haven for tourists, locals and wildlife.

On May 16th work started building a fence. Nobody was consulted and noone had been informed about it. Immediately the local councillors, residents, the former mayor all objected. Their requests for a site visit were all ignored. The workers refused to give their names, their bosses contacts, where they worked from, which department. They refused any information.

Dozens of residents contacted Network Rail via their helpline along with the councillors - still no site visit and the request for the work to be stopped was ignored.

No less than thirty letters later and still no phone call nor site visit. Rather than speak to the local parish councillors to talk about a fence that would be more in keeping, and trackside where the original fence is, Network Rail sent more men with bigger machines to, as one of their workers said, 'put it up quick'.

One week later and Den Lane as it was was destroyed. And still no call from Mr Carnes office.

Network Rail had already caused a lot of damage to the area, chopping down ancient trees in the middle of the nesting season. Here on Den Lane we have bats, owls, deer, foxes, jays and lots of other wildlife. Trees had been felled directly next to the roosting site of bats.

What Network Rail have done is shocking. They are doing this all over the country and it has to stop. And it stops right here. And we hope others will join us in challenging Network Rail's 'slash and burn' approach.

Network Rail have cited cases of people and children trespassing onto the track to justify their actions. We have checked with the Police and no cases have been reported to the local Police in the last 11 years.

Also Network Rail cite vandalism [their actions are an act of vandalism in fact] as another reason for the fence. However zero cases of vandalism to the track area have ever been reported. The only 'vandalism' that has occurred was the dismantling by locals of the Pointless Fence last week. That however was not vandalism, but an act of direct protest by people who felt they were being ignored. Vandalism is the defacing of property. Dismantling a fence in protest is not vandalism.

Also the fence is entirely pointless - reason?

You can access the line easily on the other side of the track from the bridleway. That is in fact where the fence needs to be built.

Mark Carne CEO Network Rail has wasted £30,000 of public money on...

The Pointless Fence.

And unfortunately for the residents of Uppermill, they have also wrecked Den Lane in the process.

How it will be delivered

via social media and in person using a mobile device in the location


press conference also

Uppermill, Oldham

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2018-10-22 18:33:03 +0100


We have asked many times for the maps to go with the survey that shows where protected species are and have still not been sent the maps. The council are taking this up as they have had enough.

A bat survey is being carried out very soon by the local authorities which will answer many of your questions regarding if Network Rail have in fact disturbed a protected species which can carry a jail sentence and unlimited fines.

NR also promised to camouflage the Pointless Fence with ivy and other creepers.

Send any questions you have and post here if you are not happy about anything.

2018-10-22 18:31:44 +0100

Quick one - those that live nearby will have seen that Network Rail have started [not finished] painting the dreadful fence that nobody wants and serves no purpose green.

A lot of people are saying the same thing 'it was a crappy silver fence and now it is a crappy green fence' and we entirely agree.

We did ask Network Rail to leave the ends where they seem to be sensitive and take down the middle. However so far they have said no, not giving a reasonable reason why.

We have asked them to replace trees and they said no, without giving a reasonable explanation. However they did offer to give the community some money to plant elsewhere. We have yet to see the details of this.


2018-09-28 11:18:38 +0100

One more thing - here is an excerpt from a letter that the group sent to Network Rai last week:

'We sometimes feel that we have been at a different meeting to you and your colleagues...

We are sorry that you feel that you cannot replant the trees chopped down, but we cannot understand that you feel trees lower down the banking could not be replaced. Trees cannot jump 40 feet in the air and over the bank. Those trees were chopped down purely to make the fence easier to put up. We want those trees replacing. We ask for you to give the community some money to plant plants where the community sees fit by way of good will not only for all the damage done, the poor attitude, but also for all the time this has taken many volunteers who are still not satisfied with what you are doing...'

[The time being OVER FOUR MONTHS]

2018-09-28 11:00:18 +0100

Here you go

2018-09-28 10:58:30 +0100

If you want to make sure Network Rail change their approach please contact your local Woodland Trust .

Public must tell Network Rail to stop tree felling, says charity

Don't let them get away with what they are doing they have already showed they do not care about wildlife, chopping trees down mid-nesting season.

Near the Pointless Fence were a pair of Jays, Owls, Bats, Foxes, Deer, and a host of other creatures that have no say when Network Rail trash their habitat.

2018-09-28 10:24:46 +0100

NR are painting fence at the moment and are going to hide it with ivy and honeysuckle. It may not take as the area is infested with Himalyan Balsam.

Dozens of local people are concerned that NR have disturbed bats, a protected species. Any crime in this area carries a 6 month prison sentence and unlimited fines. The local council have commissioned a survey to check this.

In short, p*ss poor approach. Not impressed.

We did receive an apology last week which was something.

But in short it is very clear that what the Guardian described as Network Rail's 'Slash and Burn Approach' is accurate and correct. The Woodland Trust are the latest organisation to ask them to stop chopping down trees.

NR contractors are allowed to take the timber they chop down away to sell at a profit without paying for it. An incentive to chop as many trees down as they possibly can.

2018-09-28 10:23:48 +0100

Ok we asked NR to take most of the fence down where it serves no purpose leaving the bits near where they are sensitive about the fence. They refused giving no reasonable reason.

On the other side of the track they have put in a wooden and wire fence in keeping with the area however the industrial fence on the other side we have asked them to swap it and have not had a reply to that request. So wood is ok on one side, but not the other?

They have refused to replace trees that were chopped down to make room for the Pointless Fence. We have asked them for community money to replace the vegetation. The reason given for not replacing trees does not make sense.

If NR had put in a fence next to the track before chopping down trees [mid nesting season] then none of this would have happened. Some fwd thinking required. NR seem keen to blame children for a trespass risk they in fact created.

2018-09-20 14:53:57 +0100

in today's Oldham Times

please tell your friends

we had a reply from Network Rail which was full of inaccuracies. It's like it's some kind of joke. They are either totally incompetent or trying to deliberately ignore the facts...

2018-09-12 11:05:03 +0100

It's 3 weeks tomorrow since our first sit down meeting with Network Rail after more than three months - so that's almost 4 months.



What do you think of that?

2018-09-09 14:35:38 +0100

Thanks for all the messages. It's exactly what was said at all the meeting we have had so far thank you.

474 Friends of Saddleworth

2018-09-07 12:37:36 +0100

Quick Q - What would you say to Network Rail if they try to refuse to move the fence? How would you feel about that? Please post a reply here on the reasons for signing bit or just message us.

We have been very clear with N R about what people want.

Let's keep the clarity.

Please reply right away, we want to know what you think and we want to know right now.

If you don't tell us we will not know!

Not everyone can make the meetings. We understand that.

2018-08-27 15:51:36 +0100

We had a sit down meeting last Thu with Network Rail after over three months.

People were present from this petition, local residents, of Saddleworth & Uppermill, council leaders.

Everything we asked for they said no.

They refused to restore Den Lane to its former glory. Chris Pye the boss of this part of the track refused to replace trees. He did agree to replace them with something under pressure.

We did not get satisfactory answers as to why they yet again refused to move the fence, as to how they have behaved regarding wildlife, including bats, why they chopped trees down mid-nesting season, nor why it has taken this long to get the meeting, why their CEO has yet to reply to any correspondance.

Their PR did not know exactly what had happened . She was either badly briefed or didn't bother to do her homework. We did ask them not to send a PR.

We will wait and see what they exactly do but they made clear promises & we will hold them to account.

2018-08-21 13:20:19 +0100

Just a reminder to everyone what actually happened in our little village.

The railway and fabulous viaduct [home to many bats] was built in 1849 [you can read about it here]

There have been zero problems since. That's 169 years of okay-ness.

Network Rail came in wrecking the place, ignoring everyone, chopping down trees mid-nesting season and causing their own problems, never mind upsetting everyone.

They then blame the locals.

Well, we won't put up with that.

Thank you for your support.

And thanks again for the fantastic turnout at the Human Fence last week.

2018-08-15 11:33:56 +0100

In today's local paper -

14th August
Silent protest of controversial fence at Den Lane in Uppermill
Ken Bennett Reporter

2018-08-13 11:33:20 +0100