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To: Network Rail CEO Mark Carne

Remove the Pointless Fence on Den Lane, Uppermill, Saddleworth

Network Rail are putting up a galvanised steel fence in the middle of a Conservation Area.

We want them to stop, pull it down, and put it nearer to the track out of sight which is where the original one is.

Why is this important?

It is important because this fence is destroying a beautiful place that is a haven for tourists, locals and wildlife.

On May 16th work started building a fence. Nobody was consulted and noone had been informed about it. Immediately the local councillors, residents, the former mayor all objected. Their requests for a site visit were all ignored. The workers refused to give their names, their bosses contacts, where they worked from, which department. They refused any information.

Dozens of residents contacted Network Rail via their helpline along with the councillors - still no site visit and the request for the work to be stopped was ignored.

No less than thirty letters later and still no phone call nor site visit. Rather than speak to the local parish councillors to talk about a fence that would be more in keeping, and trackside where the original fence is, Network Rail sent more men with bigger machines to, as one of their workers said, 'put it up quick'.

One week later and Den Lane as it was was destroyed. And still no call from Mr Carnes office.

Network Rail had already caused a lot of damage to the area, chopping down ancient trees in the middle of the nesting season. Here on Den Lane we have bats, owls, deer, foxes, jays and lots of other wildlife. Trees had been felled directly next to the roosting site of bats.

What Network Rail have done is shocking. They are doing this all over the country and it has to stop. And it stops right here. And we hope others will join us in challenging Network Rail's 'slash and burn' approach.

Network Rail have cited cases of people and children trespassing onto the track to justify their actions. We have checked with the Police and no cases have been reported to the local Police in the last 11 years.

Also Network Rail cite vandalism [their actions are an act of vandalism in fact] as another reason for the fence. However zero cases of vandalism to the track area have ever been reported. The only 'vandalism' that has occurred was the dismantling by locals of the Pointless Fence last week. That however was not vandalism, but an act of direct protest by people who felt they were being ignored. Vandalism is the defacing of property. Dismantling a fence in protest is not vandalism.

Also the fence is entirely pointless - reason?

You can access the line easily on the other side of the track from the bridleway. That is in fact where the fence needs to be built.

Mark Carne CEO Network Rail has wasted £30,000 of public money on...

The Pointless Fence.

And unfortunately for the residents of Uppermill, they have also wrecked Den Lane in the process.

How it will be delivered

via social media and in person using a mobile device in the location


press conference also

Uppermill, Oldham

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2018-05-20 11:37:30 +0100

On May 20th a banner attached to the fence was removed by Network Rail. The banner simply said Mark Carne CEO Network Rail was responsible for the damage caused to the Conservation area of Den Lane and asking local people to contact him and ask him to stop. It also linked to this petition.

Photographs were taken of the banner and you can see it clearly here. Please tell everyone about this

2018-05-20 09:54:35 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-05-19 23:26:25 +0100

Four national newspapers are on the end of the phone each day. We have been on the front page of the local newspaper on Thursday. Another local paper is doing an investigation and are tired of Network Rail's flanneling as they put it.

The facts remain :

The original fence this fence is replacing is 20 foot away up an embankment.

Calls for a site visit ended up with no reply and more workers being sent.

The contractors refuse to give their names, superiors names, where they work, who is in charge, no phone numbers.

Network Rail have felled many trees in nesting season .

Network Rail have disturbed a bat roosting site which is illegal

No check of the trees was done before felling and we have owls.

Network Rail have damaged the drystone wall by the lane.

Network Rail contractors leave litter and rubbish at the end of the day when they finish

2018-05-19 23:16:47 +0100

One of our friends who suggested chaining herself to the fence in protest has been trolled and cyber-bullied. She is so upset. We do wonder who is doing this actual bullying. Several people on the local facebook page claim to be train drivers, however I am not entirely convinced by this. One said 'this work [felling] is seasonal. We replied 'nesting season?' to which we got no reply. I do wonder about many of the posts that have been appearing all of a sudden.

2018-05-19 09:44:13 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-05-18 20:42:30 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-05-18 18:39:24 +0100

10 signatures reached