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Crack down on corporate tax dodgers such as Amazon and Starbucks.

Why is this important?

The EU seems to be up for it, but for some unknown reason George Osborne is against it! WTF is going on here?! Every year our budget as a nation of taxpayers is denied billions of pounds of legitimate revenue because the Tory Government is too spineless to tackle this issue. Or are they simply in cahoots?! If they are, this is corruption at the highest level...

This is a well documented issue. Many big multinational companies find ways to evade corporate taxation by allegedly basing their operation in tax havens such as Luxembourg. This is the oldest dodge in the book and it has run out of credibility. If these companies are doing huge amounts of business with UK taxpayers, they should pay their dues to HMRC. This should be an open and shut case, but it's not, mainly because they are not being brought to book by the government.

United Kingdom

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2015-11-30 13:23:51 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-07-03 15:49:34 +0100

10 signatures reached