10 signatures reached
To: Ian Duncan Smith Minister for Department of Work and Pensions
U.K Disabled Veterans being asked to apply for Personal Independence Payments.

I would like the Minister for Work and Pensions to remove the current welfare reform that is forcing Disabled Veterans who in the line of duty have sustained physical, emotional, psychological or mental I'll health resulting from injuries sustained whilst providing service to their country.
All Disabled Veterans who do not qualify for Armed Forces Independence Payment pre 2005 and were in receipt of Disability Living Allowance for life to support their loss of mobility and the need for support with their personal care needs for life are now being forced to make an application for Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and being requested to prove that they are still disabled after having been disabled for many years.
All Disabled Veterans who do not qualify for Armed Forces Independence Payment pre 2005 and were in receipt of Disability Living Allowance for life to support their loss of mobility and the need for support with their personal care needs for life are now being forced to make an application for Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and being requested to prove that they are still disabled after having been disabled for many years.
Why is this important?
It is important that all disabled veterans are supported by the government as it is the same government that placed them in areas of conflict that has resulted in them requiring financial supports as a result of the injuries they received while serving their country this including loss of mobility, loss of their ability to maintain their basic personal care, ie such as washing dressing, nutrition.
Please support this petition to ensure that those U.K veterans who have been left permanently disabled do not also find themselves financially disadvantaged due to the these changes. Ian Duncan Smith needs to remove this process, provide a fair system and be forced to support disabled veterans and not just on Poppy Day. It will only take a few minutes of your time, but a life time of difference to improve the quality of life for disabled veterans.
Please support this petition to ensure that those U.K veterans who have been left permanently disabled do not also find themselves financially disadvantaged due to the these changes. Ian Duncan Smith needs to remove this process, provide a fair system and be forced to support disabled veterans and not just on Poppy Day. It will only take a few minutes of your time, but a life time of difference to improve the quality of life for disabled veterans.
How it will be delivered
I would like to collect thousands of signatures to ensure that the press or media will take an interest and have Ian Duncan Smith remove the current policies and show respect to not just disabled veterans, but current UK Service Personnel. Please make him apologise to the U.K disabled Veterans for the hardship, distress and anxiety caused by his governments actions. Remove his arrogance and replace it with our compassion.