• Inquiry Needed! Was Tony Blair complicit in the torture of Shaker Aamer in 2002?
    Several UK national and international newspapers have reported allegations by the Guantanamo Bay prison survivor that the UK Prime Minister at the time - Tony Blair - personally accompanied UK secret service officials on a visit to Bagram airbase, Afghanistan, during which Aamer claims that these officials were present at his interrogation and torture. Shaker Aamer was afterwards held at Guantanamo Bay detention center until 2015, despite the USA authorities deciding in 2007 not to press charges against him. If Tony Blair was aware that anyone was being, or was likely to be, tortured at Bagram during his visit, and failed to act against this, he committed Grave Breaches of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions. Such breaches constitute a War Crime in international law, and would legally render Blair a War Criminal, subject to obligatory arrest and trial wherever he goes. In times of peace as well as war it is crucially important that issues related to torture should not be ignored or left ambiguous, however powerful or influential the alleged perpetrators may be. Peoples' perception of the behaviour of war-endorsing governments during this period is already tarnished around the world. The failure to properly address such issues promotes further conflict, and to ignore them, while the alleged perpetrators freely travel the globe, mocks the very values to which all nations and states claim to aspire.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dinah Dayus
  • We Demand CCTV (monitored) in all UK & EU Abattoirs.
    The inhumane suffering and wilful torture of living creatures due to unmonitored mass-slaughter is a major negligence by EU and UK Govt. The involvement of the RSPCA and similar ethical EU agencies is paramount. The current behaviour (often secretly filmed) shows vicious attitudes in many of the ill-educated slaughterhouse staff toward sentient animals. This is totally UNACCEPTABLE!
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elis Webster
  • Shrewsbury 24 - Time for the truth
    24 builders who fought for better, safer working conditions by coordinating successful strike action were later convicted on trumped up charges of violent picketing and intimidating workers. There is strong evidence of interference from the government of the time. The truth needs to be told on behalf of the men wrongly convicted who are still living including Ricky Tomlinson. The government needs to stop hiding behind national security as a reason for withholding these papers. What possible issues of national security could there be from an event that occurred over 40 years ago. We all need to help them fight for justice.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Steele
  • Close tax loopholes being exploited by large corporations
    Small and medium-sized businesses in the UK are paying a disproportionate amount of tax, which is manifestly unfair. In addition, the Austerity measures and severe cuts to public services would be unnecessary, if this revenue were collected.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Steatham
  • No air strikes against Syria
    Not only is bombing a country wrong on moral grounds surely we are doing exactly what ISIS / ISIL want? Not only would we be killing thousands of innocent people but air strikes would also promote division between the West and ISIS / ISIL supporters. ISIS / ISIL WANT a holy war. Bombing Syria is leading to a holy war in their eyes. Air strikes will only create more martyrs and increase terrorist acts by ISIS / ISIL. Surely this is obvious?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacky Misson Picture
  • Stop Penalising Cross Channel Truck Drivers
    This risks and added stress to cross channel truck drivers is great enough without weighing them down with unwarranted financial burdens, most of which they have no control over. This is killing continental truck deliveries as neither the drivers nor the companies they work for can operate with such uncontrollable financial burdens hanging over their heads. The profit margins for UK based international logistics are very small as foreign logistics companies do it cheaper as they pay their drivers far less than UK drivers. These fines just make it untenable and is killing off UK based continental deliveries.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grahame Inman
  • Stop the 73% cuts to youth services in Southwark
    The council plans to cut £2.5million from the youth service budget leaving less than one million to work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in London. We have 13 youth projects in the voluntary sector which could suffer as well as 8 youth centres as part of this 73% cuts. What will be left for young people in this Borough? The council promised not to cut front line services yet this is being proposed. We would also lose experienced and specialist workers in the sector as the services would transfer to the Environment and Leisure department. This will de-professionalise and de-skill professional youth workers leaving little to no varied provision. They are planning to delete ALL 122 full and part time jobs and replacing them with 42 part time posts. Southwark News report: 19.11.15 Richard Taylor, founder of the Damilola Taylor Centre after his ten-year-old son was killed on the Peckham estate, said this was no time to cut youth services as serious knife crime continued to blight the borough. “Bearing in mind the level of killing, stabbing and violence, this is not the right time. This is the wrong approach and a bad decision for the council. As Jeremy Corbyn has said 'austerity is a political choice'. Southwark must not abandon young people while sitting on millions of pounds of reserves which can be used to support the local community along with the fight to get more money from central government. Southwark Trades Council will be campaigning with the local government unions and community to stop these cuts. We will be lobbying the Council Assembly and have asked for a deputation at the Cabinet on Wednesday 24th November. Please join us. For more information contact Pat Shelley - Head of Youth and Play Services [email protected] or southwark Unison: [email protected]
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Southwark Trades Council
  • STOP "Selective" Humanity Reports on MEDIA
    We want the FULL TRUTH, visible and standing next to each other as Parisians are equal to Lebanese and Palestinians as ALL of us are HUMANs and suffer equally. Angelina Jolie posted about the ISIS attack in Lebanon which didn't receive any media coverage (see: https://www.facebook.com/OF.Angelina/photos/a.127159833963497.22403.127098593969621/1137146722964798/?type=3&fref=nf) Look at the current BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news Can you find anything about Lebanon, other ISIS hit regions and daily Palestinian sufferings?
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daria Brovina
  • Retire all horses from police service.
    It is not necessary to control crowds by the use of horses to intimidate them. The horses are in danger as are the humans in the crowd and the riders. There are cheaper and more efficient and more humane methods available. Horses should not be put in dangerous situations.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Norwood
  • Stop G4 Taking Over 999 Response Centers in Nottinghamshire
    because they shouldn't be privatized for personal profit and the risk of public crime rising, and police brutality rising due to more armed police force on the streets.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Davies
  • Nottinghamshire Police Needs Local Police Control
    This means local people with local knowledge,there to help when the NEED arises ! Sign this petition to demonstrate the strength of feeling AGAINST a business whose only care is "how much profit"can we make ? G4S have proven,on more than one occasion that they are not a "fit and proper" business to be trusted.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Hind
  • Stop The Midlands G4S 999 Takeover
    G4S are a shady company trying to muscle in on the public sector and have been known to give large donations to right-wing think tanks such as 'Reform', trying to further their position in the prison industry where they already run 5 prisons in the UK. In 2012 G4S were employed to provide security for the London Olympics, in which they did a poor job which resulted in the army bailing them out. costing the tax payer £1000's Among the Olympics shamble they have been in many other controversies such as u the unlawful killing of Jimmy Mubenga in 2010 and being accused of fraud allegations in relation to overcharging for for tagging criminals in England and Wales. It is vital we don't allow a incompetent company like G4S to run a service which could ultimately mean life or death for 1000's of people, it's too risky.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Fearn