• Government needs to make rail travel more affordable
    Because the ability to travel in rural areas in an affordable way can mean the difference between being able to work and not being able to work. Also it means that more people can visit interesting places without it costing a fortune.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kate Patay
  • Keep 119 Bus service for Pennington
    The 119 bus service is a bus service that runs between Lymington and New Milton. Other bus services also travel this route but the 119 is the only service that goes via Pennington village. It is the only bus that the elderly and infirm can access because the other services all stop at other ends of the village. It may not seem like an important issue but for people unable to access the X1/2 services then they are left isolated and abandoned. This is simply not acceptable in our society today.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jack Davies
  • Finish the ring road, Howes Lane
    Bicester was a little market town when we came here. We seem to be everything built here we havent got the roads or the schools. Bicester is becoming overcrowded as it is.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Biddle
  • bus stops outside lewisham police station
    they want to move the bus stops 150 metres from where they are. many people use these bus stops, including a lot of pensioners. i believe there can be a better solution than moving the stops.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by peter willson
  • Safer Routes to School
    Dear Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council. To get my three children (8, 6 and 4) to school I have to cross a busy main road. This road is so busy that we usually have to stand on the tiny courtesy crossing in the middle of the road – that's me, at least three children, the odd scooter, school bags and other paraphernalia – and wait for a break in the traffic. In the middle of the road. This is not a safe way to get to and from school. I have spoken to other parents with similar complaints about walking their children to school safely. They too have to wait on so-called courtesy crossings to get across the road. They have to catch the eye of drivers in order to cross the road safely. They have to squeeze past lorries parked on the pavement. They have to step out between parked cars to cross the road to school. This is unacceptable. We are asking you, the council, to commit to our manifesto for Safer Routes to Schools. The objectives are listed below. No parent or child should have to rely on the courtesy of a driver to cross the road on the way to school. No parent or child should have to wait in the middle of the road to complete a crossing on the way to school. No parent or child should have to make eye contact with vehicle drivers to cross the road on the way to school. No parent or child should have to walk more than 150 metres out of their way to get to a safe crossing on the way to school. No parent or child should have to squeeze past cars or lorries parked on the pavement on the way to school. The council will commit to consulting on designated safe routes to school that fulfil the above criteria within six months of taking office. The council will consult school PTAs and other parent groups across Bath within this timeframe. The council will install the required safe crossings within six months of the completed consultation. Safer Routes to Schools would have many benefits. These include reduced pollution, less traffic congestion and healthier children. Most importantly, if our children can walk to school along designated safe routes our children can have some of the freedom and independence they desperately need. Bath wants to be a child-friendly city. Making the roads safe for our children to cross is the best way to achieve that. Best wishes Lou Abercrombie
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Louise Abercrombie
  • Free parking for Birkenhead
    To keep a market town still here and stop the increase in parking charges.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joesph kostanczuk
  • Action on Caerphilly Town Air Quality
    In 2008 parts of Caerphilly Borough were designated as an Air Quality Management Area due to high levels of nitrogen dioxide, which is associated with lung disease and respiratory problems. Caerphilly town centre is a specific problem area. In 2014 the Council approved an Air Quality Action Plan, which included traffic management measures designed to address the problems. Measures include short term steps and longer term strategies, such as reducing the amount of traffic passing through narrow town centre streets by building a south eastern by-pass. There is no evidence that such a measure will increase traffic or pollution; rather it will re-route traffic through non-populated areas. Modelling carried out to date suggests the measures set out in the action plan will significantly reduce pollution levels in the town centre. To date there has been a lack of action. The action plan suggests further work is subject to further modelling and further funding. The residents of Caerphilly derserve action, not words. Our health and the health of our children is at stake. We call on the Council to take action.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Sweeney
  • Slow Traffic down on Mansfield Road, Hasland, Chesterfield
    With Hasland having a number of parks and schools I think it's important for all traffic to be at a reasonable speed. Despite the road being signposted as a 30mph (from 40mph so not that much of a difference) there is no way cars are keeping to this. I have had cars driving ridiculously close to me and on two occasions I have nearly been run over when walking on the pavement (which is extremely narrow). Most recently today, my dog got spooked and started to run out onto the road, not far as she had a lead on, I stepped out to stop her and we were missed by an inch! What if this had been a child who had fallen or a wobbled on a bike? The pavement is neither use nor ornament being so narrow, yes there is one on the other side but crossing over is dangerous too! Please sign this petition to slow traffic down and keep Hasland safe.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Gibbons
  • Stop School Buses Turning on Station Approach Burley in Wharfedale
    Children standing in the road, overcrowding pavements, pedestrians forced into the road, buses overhang pavement when turning. High level of risk. Children are at severe risk with no safety measures in place, Station Approach is a private road and not routinely gritted, rush hour traffic hazards, congestion. I have witnessed children being 'nudged' by the busses. The road becomes single file when the buses are picking up.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Naomi Bolser
  • Stop TV advertising for new petrol and diesel cars
    Adverts for cigarettes were banned on British television in 1965, because it was deemed that smoking was not only bad for the individual, but also other non-smokers who inhaled their smoke passively. It strikes me that cars are no different. A report in 2013 by the UK government indicated that 21% of UK greenhouse emissions were caused by petrol and diesel cars. However, we are constantly bombarded with adverts on television for new cars, a very small fraction of which are hybrid or electric. If Ofcom were to only allow hybrid and electric car adverts on television, it would send a signal to car manufacturers that if they want airtime on British TV, they need to invest in more sustainable technology. It would increase sales of hybrid and electric cars in the UK, which would drive demand for more public electric car chargers. It would would help to change the zeitgeist of the nation towards more sustainable ways of commuting.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mike Hayden
  • More efficient bus service in Norwich
    Too often, passengers have to wait in all sorts of weather because a bus is late or cancelled. Then, two or more appear together, why?. There is a scheme by City Council, if the bus is more than 15 minutes late the bus company will pay you. This does not work because the bus company decide. If you have a concessionary card it says 'funded by HM Government with your Local authority' and there are no two trips which means more profit for the bus company. That means our tax money. Finally, Castle Meadow, which is supposed to be a pedestrian zone, has so many buses that often even the buses cannot move.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Sweeney
  • Whitby Against Parking Charges
    Because these charges would impede local businesses, especially hoteliers and guesthouse owners, whose guests would have to pay for parking whilst another hotel's guests down the road would not. One hotelier calculated that the parking charges would cost £8,000 per year, due to the amount of time their staff would spend explaining the parking situation to guests and administering permits.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Williams