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38 Degrees members stand for fairness and equality. Across the UK we campaign together to create change on issues that matter to all us. In a world where dangerous stereotypes, images in media, and even our laws can be stacked against whole groups of people, 38 Degrees members are running campaigns to make our country a fairer place.

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Campaigns (19)

  • Subtitles on streaming of Welsh Assembly sessions
    I am deaf and very interested in local government and politics in Wales as are many other deaf and hard of hearing people. There are 10 million deaf or hard of hearing people across the UK. Something like 110,000 in Wales and the figure is always rising. It is incredibly important for deaf and hard of hearing people to keep in touch by using social media and computer access as so much communication is out of reach if you are deaf. There fore subtitles become an essential tool for communication in this day and age.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie CHARLTON
  • Wheelchair Users V Pushchairs & Buggies on buses
    Being passengers in wheelchairs should not be made to wait at bus stops sometimes for over an hour to wait for the next available bus. Also in 2004 a disability law was brought into the country by the government at that time to help the disabled.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Coombs
  • Retrospective Change in Student Loans Terms and Conditions
    As above it will mean higher payments for students and could put off future students attending uni. Is it not illegal to change the terms and conditions of a loan after it has been taken out?
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Lou Strong
  • Westminster government to comply with European Directive 2004/38/EC
    To uphold a basic human right that families are united. I am an UK citizen married to a Russian citizen. France has granted my wife the right of residency (a carte de sejour) this entitles her to visit most EU countries without the need for a visa. European Directive 2004/38/EC (https://eumovement.wordpress.com/directive-200438ec/ ) The UK government will not fully comply with this directive but It will allow entry to the UK to anyone who has an Estonian or German certificate of residency. One can only assume that the Westminster government considers that other EU countries are too liberal when it comes to issuing certificates of residency.. This is an insult to the integrity of other EU States, in our case France. They are suggesting that France issues such documents without careful examination. I can assure you that is not the case their enquiries are vigorous and searching. My wife and I had intended visiting the UK earlier this year to visit friends and relatives but the UK Visa and Immigration Office refused her a visa on the basis that she does not have her own financial means to fund a visit. The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that UK rules requiring visas for non-EU family members of EU citizens entering the UK are in breach of EU law and the matter has been referred to the High Court in London for final judgement. Procrastination by all the agencies involved affect many people who simply want to visit the UK. I implore you to support my petition to get the UK government to respect the Human rights of a family to be together. We only want to visit, there's no way we'd intend settling in the UK. How did we get in ? We arrived in Calais and took our chances. Fortunately the two Border Agency employees at the sharp end were sensible people and agreed with us that the decision by the UK Border Agency to refuse her a visa was ludicrous and gave her a 6 month tourist visa. She enjoyed her visit and we will not be applying for another visa. If the UK government persists in breaking the law i.e. the EU Directive 2004/38 then if we ever decide to revisit the UK at some date in the future Catherine will do so on a French passport. On 19th May 2015 Catherine and I caught the 0920 hrs Channel Tunnel train and to our disappointment no-one bothered to check her out of the UK. I suppose she'll now be included in the Westminster government's figures of Immigrants who remain illegally in the UK. They couldn't organise a party in a brewery. Catherine's visa expires soon so we hope to get it extended by persuading the Border Agency to stamp her passport with a 6 month Visitors visa.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William-Glyn THOMAS
  • No taxation without representation?
    I pay all my income tax in Britain, but I am now disenfranchised. I have lived in France for seventeen years, but intend to return to Britain eventually. Why do I no longer have a vote? It should surely be possible for those of us who wish to continue voting to register. The argument is that too few ex-pats wanted to vote, but what if we do? I understand that French ex-pats are represented. I pay my taxes; I want to vote.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Magaret Bradley
  • Bring back public information films
    Incredibly, people don't know they are allowed in box junctions at a right turn if their way is clear,or how to use mini roundabouts. Everyone remembers Reginald Molehusband and "don't dazzle, dip your headlights". The police don't do it so someone must. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3R7hG_pLaI
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Dyson
  • Dog breeding Licensing
    Rescues are overcrowded with dogs, sold by people indiscriminately for a few pounds, they are not interested in the future care of the dog, they see it as a money spinner. A lot of these dogs are bred by people that are "out of work" and see it as a means to an end to earn undisclosed income. The law should be tightened up like they have done in Bradford, where anybody that breeds even 1 litter should have a licence This should be made law so councils should be made to police it and charge for the number of litters per year. It is unfair to the taxpayer that some people are earning lots of money without disclosing it. Also Rescues end up taking the brunt once the "puppy" gets older and they can't afford to look after it. The laws need tightening up rapidly. The legimate breeders face a tough challenge from these "unlicensed" breeders and get inundated with dogs with no where to put them.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eddie Roberts
  • inequality in planning rules
    When an application for planning permission is refused by the local planning authority, an appeal can be made to the Secretary of State against the decision. However if planning permission is granted either by the local authority or by the Secretary of State (who has no local knowledge) there is no right of appeal. This blatant inequality needs to be removed. In our area there have been totally inappropriate speculative housing developments, granted to a big national builder, when the company appealed to the Secretary of state, after the local planning department deemed the development unsustainable. Currently a planning application for a large housing estate on the field similar to the one shown is going to appeal All we are asking is the same right of appeal for local people as is already given to developers, against a a planning decision with which they are not happy.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Stanley
  • Cash now for victims of contaminated blood
    Common decency and humanity should have made this petition unnecessary. Read more here: http://www.hamhighbroadway.co.uk/news/health/fury_over_department_of_health_delay_allocating_25m_to_contaminated_blood_victims_1_4158234
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D Braund