PANTS ON FIRE! - public demonstration before council meeting

The unredacted Javelin Park contract reveals that a small cabal of County Councillors and officers misled the public, press and other Councillors by not telling the truth about key financial information. The result is a contract that will be hugely expensive for well over a decade, locking public funds away from where they are desperately needed for schools, housing and social care. Any savings won't happen for around 20 years - if they materialise at all.
Let's make some noise and demand some answers! Demo on steps of Shire Hall at 9.15, followed, for those wishing to attend, by the full council meeting at 10.00 - complete with awkward questions...
Let's make some noise and demand some answers! Demo on steps of Shire Hall at 9.15, followed, for those wishing to attend, by the full council meeting at 10.00 - complete with awkward questions...
Starts on
Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 9:15 AM GMT