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To: Malmesbury council

20’s plenty for Malmesbury

Gloucester Road leading down to Malmesbury Primary school is currently 30mph with no full paths, zebra crossings or safe routes for pedestrians and children.
This area (like the surrounding streets) should be 20mph to protect the residents of Malmesbury.

Why is this important?

There are no full paths down Gloucester road meaning any walk forces pedestrians to cross at least twice through fast oncoming traffic.
Being a beautiful ancient town the existing paths are too thin for safe passage for more than 1 person at a time, meaning small children are forced to walk ahead of parents and carers exposed to the road which is a school zone.
As the area is also double yellow lines, pedestrians have no further protection from the direct traffic meaning one wrong move from a vehicle at a speed of 30mph would be an instant fatality.
People have been hit by passing cars as well as local houses having been crashed into and rebuilt because of the speed and carelessness of drivers.
Malmesbury should care more for the safety of its residents than the daily fast passage of through traffic.

Malmesbury SN16, UK

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