To: Carwyn Jones MP - Leader of Welsh Government

A Fair Share for Wales

Now the dust has settled, we are presented with an opportunity for Wales. Scrap the Barnett Formula, we are no longer the poor cousins of Scotland. Re-instate pre-austerity funding levels for local councils, which have decimated public services in Wales. GUARANTEE all funding we received from EU for Education, Business, Environmental Projects (such as Tidal Lagoon), and Community and Tourism Projects. With this apparent £350 Million a week windfall, we want our fair share. If we don't get it, then we DON'T ratify Brexit. Time to be strong, and get what we deserve!

Why is this important?

Following the EU Referendum, there is much uncertainty for the Welsh people. EU funding was proven by facts and figures to be needed in many demographics of Wales. It covered several areas: Business, Education, Environmental, Tourism, Community, almost every area of our society. This funding made up for decades of inadequate UK funding for our Country by the UK Central Government. "Brexit" needs to be ratified by the UK's three devolved Governing Bodies, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Wales has the opportunity to re-write, and re-balance the short change we have been receiving. Austerity measures have hit Wales hard. Year on Year our Councils received less and less. With a promised huge amount of funding being returned to the UK's control, we demand the Local Government funding we were receiving pre-austerity, and "every penny" we were receiving from the EU. We want OUR FAIR SHARE. If we don't get a legally binding agreement to these funding demands from the UK Central Government, then we REFUSE to ratify Brexit.


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