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To: Westminster Parliament

Abolish the lifelong access pass for ex MPs

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
I want to see the practice of granting lifelong passes to ex MPs abolished and I call on the Prime Minister to take the necessary action to achieve this.

Why is this important?

Trust in politicians and government officials is at an all time low and this is part of running a clean house, preventing individuals access to politicians on the basis of their past role as an MP rather then on the merit of their arguments for the good of the country.

When you work for a company, you will lose access to your privileges as soon as you leave. You certainly will not be allowed to keep your pass to access the companies’ premises or offices.
I am appalled to discover that ex MPs get a lifelong pass to access Westminster Parliament. It is no wonder ex-politicians are offered jobs in (big) companies or organisations after having been an MP: it has in all probability little to do with competence and all with access to policy makers.

I know that turkeys do not vote for Christmas but it is high time that our elected representatives in Westminster Parliament clean its own house and take concrete action to restore our trust in politicians doing the right thing.


2023-07-16 16:17:59 +0100

10 signatures reached