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To: MP

Amnesty for non EU immigrants

Give the right to stay in the people for people who have been in the uk for more than 10 years and above ..

Why is this important?

It is important because wether you are legal or not illegal in the uk we are all humans , we all deserve the same treatment , family have been seperrated , from one and other because some have had status to stay here some don't , is not fair , every one who is here but not legally all they want to do is work and live a normal life with their close family's , they want to contribute in the government pay they taxes bills etc, like every other British person , I think there is nothing wrong that , I know family's who have spend fortunes for their close ones to get a status in the uk they have spend thousands on home office fees , court fees and lawyer fees , and in the end of it they still get refused , where are the human rights ?


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2018-01-04 17:13:33 +0000

10 signatures reached