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To: ODEON Cinemas Limited

Ask ODEON Cinemas to end their partnership with The Sun newspaper

Please consider terminating your agreement with the Sun newspaper in which you offer free copies to cinema-goers.

Why is this important?

The Sun newspaper is a publication that spreads Islamophobic, xenophobic and homophobic rhetoric. In Sunday 11th December 2016's edition of 'The Sun on Sunday', an image was published with the heading 'cut out and keep guide - this is what terrorists look like'. The illustration implies that any member of the British public who fits the description of those in the image should be regarded as a terrorist and treated as such. This is not only grossly irresponsible and totally incorrect, but is actively promoting racial and religious discrimination. ODEON cinemas advertise ticket offers in the Sun newspaper and provide free copies of the Sun for their customers, allowing their cinemas to become places that carry and nurture these wholly inaccurate and reckless attitudes. We would like to ask ODEON Cinemas Limited to consider severing their association with the Sun in order to:

1) prevent the spreading of hate on the grounds of religious belief and ethnic/racial background

2) ensure that ALL customers can enjoy films in a safe environment where NO-ONE has to feel that they are under threat because of their heritage or beliefs

3) encourage diversity within the arts and to continue to allow cinema to be accessible for all


2016-12-13 16:07:08 +0000

10 signatures reached