500 signatures reached
To: All Government Departments
Attendance Allowance but NO Mobility component!!
There is no mobility component with Attendance Allowance, this discriminates against those that cannot claim PIP or DLA due to age, this means no qualification for a Motability Vehicle when there is a genuine need. This is totally unfair to disabled claimants, if a person is in receipt of PIP or DLA and has a Motability Vehicle they still qualify once they pass the age of retirement, for life basically! There are solutions, either remove the upper age limit on PIP/DLA or add a mobility component to Attendance Allowance?
Why is this important?
This needs to be addressed urgently, it is total discrimination against those that qualify for any benefits because of disability, but not qualify for one that could totally benefit their everyday life, public transport is NOT a viable option to the many for hospital appointments etc. This is, after all, a benefit that has already been paid for through NI/tax contributions over the years, that is qualification enough for any benefits in my eyes, but a forgotten fact until old age hits.