To: Jess Phillips

Ban convicted domestic abusers from online dating sites


I selected you personally because you are known for championing women. Though oulined below doens't happen to just women alone.

There is a major issue with online dating sites, its become the norm for dating, especially since Covid locked us all up (for good reason). I met my husbnad online dating in 2015, he turned out to be mentally (most damaging) and physically abusive. At the first sign of physical abuse I got out, I hadn't noticed the mental abuse. I was sat in the car waiting for the police and my exhusband was busy setting up his online dating profile. We got divorced and seperted after the incident. Ive suffered PTSD, lost my job as I couldn't even drive to work at one point, had years of numerous therapy. I was recently contacted by his new wife. At his old tricks again, and it seems inbetween he has a string of other ladies he has hurt. Him and his new wife have seperated and he has now been arrested, but not before setting up yet another campaign on dating sites to source a new victim. Anyone who is known and convicted as a domestic abuser should not be allowed back on dating sites. They should be regulated. There is Claires Law but you have to know to ask for it and then there is red tape about accessing it. My ex husbands new wife didn't know the whole story and I didnt know before I met him that this was an issue. The abusers should have to have therapy to help them stop reoffending, some people have the power to change. This is how murders happen. It's so easy to lie and suck people in. Please help us empower people with information, help and love one another and make online dating safer.

Why is this important?

Why should domestic abusers have a fresh start with a new victim? Its so easy for an abuser to end a retationship after irrepariable mental and physical damage has been caused, wipe the slate clean, blame your ex for a relationship breakdown and pop up on a dating site and then the cycle starts all over again