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To: We are calling on both Alun Cairns MP and Jane Hutt MS to have the vision to back a green and clean energy future!

Barry Greens call for investment in Tidal Power Lagoons for a reliable and green energy future!

The Green Party in Barry are calling on both the UK and Welsh Parliaments to support the construction of Tidal Power Lagoons around the Welsh coast which will provide reliable cheap green energy which would help solve the UK's energy crisis.
Just over three years ago, UK Conservative Government effectively killed off a bid to build a tidal lagoon in Swansea Bay by refusing to guarantee the price of electricity it generated that its backers needed.
With energy prices now skyrocketing the idea of a reliable, sustainable and green supply of energy on our doorstep is looking more appealing than ever.
Building the Swansea tidal power lagoon and another in North Wales could generate 10% of the UK's energy needs. The green power generated would be reliable and never run out! They would generate electricity twice in one tide, that means they can generate electricity 14 hours out of 24.

Why is this important?

We believe this Conservative Government's refusal to not back tidal power lagoons has proven to be a costly mistake for the people of Wales. It makes their commitment to COP 26 both hollow and shameful!
These projects would have produced cheap, locally sourced energy, created jobs in the community and made Wales a leader in green technology...we now call on Alun Cairns MP to carry out a U-turn and back clean and reliable green energy for the sake of people and the planet!

Wales, UK

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2021-10-08 06:19:12 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-10-02 11:48:46 +0100

10 signatures reached