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To: South Ribble Borough Council

Bent Lane, Leyland SLOW DOWN

Put some measures in place to SLOW the ever increasing traffic using Bent lane as a rat run.

Why is this important?

PREVENTION. This used to be a fairly quiet road. It starts at the top of Bent Lane joining Leyland Way which brings the majority of the traffic from other areas, including the motorway, into Leyland. It ends on the start of Church Road which feeds the Dale Estate and the other side of Leyland. There is a blind nearly right angle bend in the middle (hence the name) and sometimes has cars parked on the road both sides for nearly it's full length. Some responsible drivers stick to the 30MPH limit but there are an increasing number who I have seen and also followed by car, doing nearly twice my speed of 30MPH and have soon disappeared around the bend. At night drivers use it to get from one end to the other as fast as possible (there is no police presence at this time) some I would conservatively estimate doing 60 MPH. You can hear them dropping a gear to take the corner at speed. and accelerating as they come out of the bend. There are a number of older residents living in the area including an old folks estate (bungalows and flats), there are children and numerous pets. The recreation ground hosts all manner of people, particularly in summer. A person is going to be killed it's only a matter of time ( there have been countless numbers of pets killed on this road)
Bent Lane, Leyland, United Kingdom

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2014-03-13 08:11:55 +0000

10 signatures reached