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To: North East Lincolnshire Council

A better park for our children

Build a better park for children in our area.

Why is this important?

As a parent of a young child that loves to play out she often attends Hardy's Recreational Ground "ploggers". Here, there is maybe two things she can go on and children are often waiting and queueing for their turn to use the one swing they have (which can cause chaos!) I know a lot of parents that would love the park to be a proper playground with swings, a slide etc., to make it a fun place to go as once it used to be. So please could you consider this for our children's future.

I care about this issue a lot because it's for our children, as I know other parents will too. We want a safe, nice place for our children to go. So let's get together and make this happen.

Grimsby, UK

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2022-04-28 11:24:06 +0100

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