To: The department of health and social services, county councils, care companies

Better pay for domiciliary care workers

Dear Decision Maker,
I think domiciliary carers’ wages are an insult! I am cared for, and my carers are paid a ridiculously low wage! Barely forty pence above minimum wage an hour. Given the things that they have to do, I think that’s ridiculous. I know I wouldn’t clean people up for that, much less give them tablets or a shower.
My carers have to hoist me into my shower chair, help me dress, change my pads, put me into bed and get me up in the morning.
I am a wheelchair user with a damaged back. I am paraplegic, and catheterised. I am dependent on the hoist, and the carers.
I admire domiciliary carers very much, and feel they should be rewarded for their hard and diligent efforts.
Sign this petition today, and ensure justice is done.
Barbara Lucas

Why is this important?

I am not alone in needing care. Many people do, and the government saves money on care home fees. It matters to carers and their families to take home a living wage. In my opinion, presently they’re being exploited. It isn’t a job I would want to do, because the reward is so meagre.

United Kingdom

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