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To: Birkrigg Park Residents

Birkrigg Park - keep & repair the bus shelter

Dear Birkrigg Park Residents,

The council is wanting to remove the bus shelter at the entrance to the estate and move it to the local football club rather than repair it.

To appeal against this we need to quickly show as a community we'd like to keep it.

Why is this important?

It seems a real shame to lose a facility that is for all residents, particularly young residents who get the school bus. The council had previously agreed to take ownership of the maintenance of this shelter on behalf of the BP residents but is now suggesting other uses for it. If we lose the shelter we wont get another.

To make the shelter less of an eyesore, removing the perspex panels and cladding it in tanalised wood has been suggested. This would weather naturally and would last year 5 - 10 years. The cost of doing this would be covered by the council.

If you'd like to keep the shelter and have it repaired as suggested please sign this petition. The more signatures the better. Please ask everyone to sign in your household, including young people.
Birkrigg Cres, Ulverston LA12, UK

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2022-07-25 21:50:01 +0100

10 signatures reached