To: Gavin Williamson

Build more special needs schools

Currently there aren’t enough special needs schools which means parents are having to fight to get their child in to a special needs school or fight to get a one to one teacher for their child. It shouldn’t be happening! Every single child has the right to an education. Where I live the council are spending 12 million to build a super school where 2 schools will eventually be 1, the majority of parents have expressed their views and don’t want another school built when the schools that will eventually be demolished are perfectly fine as they are. Why can’t the money go towards building special need schools which are actually needed?!

Why is this important?

It’s important because there are children out there who’s parents are travelling over an hour just to take their child to school, there are parents out there who have to move to another district just to be in the catchment area for their child’s school and there are parents out there who are fighting each and every day just to make sure their child gets in a school