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To: The Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP, Enviroment, Food and Rural affairs minister

Business and Corporation Garbage

Advise Corporations, Businesses, Shops, Supermarkets about the extent of too much packaging which isn't sustainable or enviromentally friendly. How foods are disposed of. A bio conatainer should be used to create renewable energy for wasted foods.

Our Rubbish land fill dumps, are giving off toxic gases and also filling up the land, oceans, air of materials Generating toxic release and green house gasses. wasted mass products including throw away one offs or items that when they brake its cheaper to buy a new one than fix the old one.

Why is this important?

To help the enviroment. Create new stratagies that are enviromentally sustainable if thrown away to reduce green house emissions. Help combat Global Warming. Reduce uneccesary packaging.


2015-01-30 20:59:50 +0000

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