To: Abena Oppong-Asare and Matthew Thomas Pennycook

Car free zone in The Slade Village

The Slade village is a group of shops and cafes close to schools, churches and two commons. It could be a safe playing area with huge footfall. However, businesses are let down by huge congestion on plumstead common road and priority to cars close to children’s playground. The businesses would benefit from pedestrianising the area and parking redistributed on the estate on ravine grove, which is currently underused and neglected by the council.

Why is this important?

The increased parking on The estate to ravine grove will de-crease congestion by having a park and ride to the new Elizabeth line, which will decrease road pollution. A pedestrianised village on the Slade will increase footfall for businesses and create a community playing area for children
342 Plumstead Common Rd, London SE18 2AJ, UK

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