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To: Brenda Massey

Caring for our cats

I've noticed alot of cats as been hurt and killed on our roads recently and it's very sad, Our caramel got hit and killed by a car a few weeks ago, we are so gutted, she was a lovely, funny, adorable and a comforting cat, we will miss her massively, and we will be giving her a send off she deserves, Our cats are family too, and to see them being hit or hurt by vehicles on the road is heartbreaking, some are left to die alone and some just gets hurt, which is it very sad and heartbreaking for any family who care massively about their beloved cats, so please can people who drive take extra care, drive safely and be prepared for any cat that might enter the road, if you do accidently knocked down a cat then please try your best to stop and report the cat to your nearest vets thankyou

Why is this important?

I love cats, I don't want them to be killed on our roads and left like their just abit of rubbish, remember they have a loving family waiting for them at their homes,


2022-02-28 09:22:41 +0000

10 signatures reached