To: The government

Child Access and visitation

That all parental contact should be 50/50 responsibility by both parents.
So a child has equal up bringing by both parents which gives children a well balanced life.

In simple terms a child should have equal time with both parents where possible and mediation to set out access agreements in place of courts. To see fairness.

Why is this important?

I feel that the resident parent is given more rights than the non resident parent. When it comes to visitation the non resident parent has to do all the traveling. In my position I have disabilities which mean I can only use public transport. I also have a minimal income which means a cost of around £150 per visit this is over a weeks money to me which means my health is affected. I am asking that both parent have to do 50% of the traveling and 50% of the school holidays. As many resident parents restrict access by not turning up to meeting places etc.
I feel a parent should be there for their child at least 60% of the time.

United Kingdom

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