To: Cllr Graham Henson, Leader of the Council


We, those residing in the Borough of Council, are dismayed at the amount of discarded litter and food waste, on our streets and in our parks.

It is unacceptable for the council to allow this to continue and for those responsible to go unpunished, in the vast majority of cases.

We, and our children deserve and expect to be able to enjoy our surroundings and walk in a safe and clean environment.

Covid has given the government a wake up call, but not it seems, where littering is concerned. Our streets are overrun with vermin due to fly-tipping and a general disrespect for our environment, and there is little evidence to show that Harrow Council is anywhere near, finding a solution.
Although community-minded people have come together to partake in litter-picks enabled by Harrow Council, this only plays lip-service to a constantly growing problem.

We would like to see the council take action in the same way they do parking fines, and put enforcement officers in our parks and on our streets, in the same numbers as they have PCN officers.

Why is this important?

Please sign this petition so Harrow Council wakes up and smells the roses, and in turn, we will be able to, too!

Greater London, UK

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