To: Mark Harper MP

Complete the Great Western Railway Electrification to Bristol Temple Meads

The completion of the railway electrification from Chippenham to Bristol Temple Meads and on to Patchway and Bristol Parkway was deferred in 2016 to allow the track east of Temple Meads to be modfied and upgraded which is itself now complete. Much of the preparatory work such as the signalling and increasing clearances under bridges and tunnels has been completed but there is no sign of the electrification work being resumed. This work should now be completed to permit trains to run under electric power for the entire journey from London to Bristol Temple Meads. The need to change over to diesel power for part of the journey is bad for the environment.

Why is this important?

To reduce the effects of climate change and improve the environment in the vicinity of the railway. To improve journey times and make the journey more pleasant for the passengers

Chippenham, UK

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