To: MPs

Coronavirus pandemic tackled through Circuit Breaker Lockdown of Great Britain

I am this late afternoon increasingly worried about how the world is dealing with this Coronavirus pandemic under the supervision of the World Health Organisation.

We should not spend money that we have not got and get into more debt as a Nation of this island of Britain only as a community within which we as a society can freely interact and socialise sharing our common experiences and various individually-acquired knowledge in science and the environment of Nature.

The strategy adopted by the government since March of national lockdown to then return the country towards full economic growth back again through the relaxation of movements of people back into jobs and restuarants encouraged by the furlough scheme and the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, coupled with the establishment of travel corridors with different countries by monitoring their particular status of national infections and hospitalisations, were proven to have been erroneously implemented. It only enabled the reemergence of a second spike this autumn, with devastating consequences on student's and pupils education at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

The idea that one can continue to spend extra billions on Nightingale hospitals to house the coronavirus-disease afflicted individuals for short periods until death was spared by the virus was ignorant of the long-covid symptoms that are now seen as equally harmful to us human beings. The development of vaccines internationally is also false gold, and its efficacy within the community race of the British people in terms of its genetic attributes is the wrong approach because not only will they not work while countless billions are spent to lead to the bankruptcy of the nation of Britain, just like the flu virus does not really work in protecting the population from winter flu and the jab is seemingly a placebo treatment, we should adopt a fresh new strategy if we are to survive as a human species within this island, by not worrying and concerning ourselves with what the rest of the world does to their societies and economies.

We should be risk averse or we will all end up in poverty with rising inflation that will wipe out our individual savings because the government does not have any money other than what we give the government in taxes. No other nation of this world will come to our rescue to save our community when the chips are down. It is an individual battle for survival as a 'community of peoples currently abiding by different religious guidance which needs to be regulated by the government to destroy all places of worship like mosques, churches temples and synagogues because Nature as constructed under the Brahma-Nature concept that I have realised does not have Divine guidance and Divine protection to enable us humans to survive in this planet as a species. Otherwise the race thereby assembled within this island of Britain faces extinction, and that will be the same with all the other nations (cultural and genetic races) of the world.

We therefore must take immediate steps as seemingly outlined by Keir Starmer for a Circuit Breaker Strategy not for a few months but until the island is totally free of this virus, and in doing so restrict our communications and travels to other countries of the world in complete Seclusion from the rest of the world, and then we should continue to live that way within our own resources and ingenuity of creative employment of our individual times and the society of the United Kingdom only. We are fortunate in that respect that England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall are part of a single landmass and therefore has the best chance of withstanding this viral-attack on our lives that threatens to destroy our way of living enjoying the Nature of the island sustainably into the future with whatever population we are left with in this strategy to clear the virus from among our midst.

Why is this important?

This is an emergency petition calling for a national emergency immediately. This is necessary to use the most practical way of protecting our lives from the knowledge of the coronavirus gained by scientists thus far.