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To: Costa Management and Coca Cola

COSTA - Profit before taste and customers with Adez vs Alpro Milk?

This appears to be a classic cost saving exercise with a ‘we know best’ attitude by Costa owners Coca Cola who also own Adez (the maker of the dairy alternative milk Costa is now serving vs Alpro who supplied Costa previously).

Costa used to make the best dairy alternative milk based hot drinks in the uk.. until January 2020.

Costa, you were smashing it. Best flat whites bar none. I’ve spent hundreds if not thousands on them over the years but now I will not buy from Costa. The Adez dairy alternative milk is literally unenjoyable - you have to force it down. It tastes like cardboard mush.

Coca Cola - you may have saved money on supply costs by using your own in-house dairy free milk supplier - but watch your dairy free coffee and drink sales plummet in the coming weeks/months.

You had such a loyal customer base and the best dairy free coffees in the UK. Now I will not buy from Costa - The quality of your product is no longer worth what you charge when it was before.

With the Adez move you are also marginalising those with special dietary requirements who used to go to Costa for their wheat free milk drinks.. but now you cannot guarantee no cross contamination of milks as Adez can’t guarantee there is no wheat in their products?

With this and the terrible taste of Adez, you are writing off a significant % of previously loyal customers and it is going to ‘Costa’ you..

Don’t be too arrogant to change back to Alpro. Everyone makes mistakes. Just take it in the chin and change back.

Why is this important?

The Adez dairy free alternative milk now used by Costa not only tastes terrible compared to Alpro, (previous supplier to Costa) it also allegedly increases cross contamination risk as it may contain wheat.

Costa made the best dairy alternative hot drinks in the UK with Alpro, now they taste dire.

United Kingdom

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