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To: Julie Elliott MP

Cuts to PIP

This campaign has ended.

Please rigorously oppose cuts to benefits already awarded to disabled people. We have learned to live on a severely reduced income from that which we could be earning if fit to do so. Don't make us suffer the ignominy of cutting our money further. I would happily earn an income as I did for 20 years without a break in NI or Income tax before becoming unable to work through illness. Aged 16 - 47 I worked and paid my taxes and NI. I had an illness and was forced out of the work. I was a teacher. My Disability payment is a pittance compared with the income I could now be earning in my field. Don't insult me by cutting it again please.

Why is this important?

George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house.
Many people in my situation would be hit hard by this cut. People who would much rather be at their old jobs and careers but who can't be because of the onslaught of an injury or disability which has left them completely out of control of their own destiny and reliant on anything the government will give them. My peers are all moving up the pay scale ladder and I can't join them because I can't earn a salary.
This petition calls on you to do all you can to stop this cruel and unfair plan to cut what little we get.
A humane and caring society would celebrate the help it gave to those crippled by illness during their working lives.
Please, show your support for Sunderland people with disabilities and stop these proposed cuts to PIP .. Or tell me why you think it is reasonable to do so. I vote for you


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2016-03-20 13:16:29 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-03-20 11:06:36 +0000

10 signatures reached