To: Rishi Sunak

Decrease in fuel duty and vat by 20% in real terms, to ease the cost of living crisis

We are seeing a cost of living crises like never seen since our grandparents fought in the war, families are suffering and finding going to work has increasingly meant there is less disposable income if any to provide a standard of living which is not below the poverty line, i believe the government in which we trust to make good sound decisions needs to implement a cut in the fuel duty and the vat rate to enable people to work at to put food on the table, a proactive government would have already had renewable energy in place long before this current crises took hold

Why is this important?

People are having to make some very difficult choices at the moment when it comes to any standard of living, the majority of the electret are not wealthy enough to ride the storm, people/ families need help now, not when homes are being repossessed because of the mounting bills.