To: UK government Croydon council

Disrepair in Croydon council homes

Dear Croydon council,
I am a Tennant that currently lives in one of your homes of disrepair and I have come across many other people that have had the same issue. This petition is to show you, as a collective, that we the tax payer and bill payer, are being left to get sick in many ways and forms from mentally to physically due to the properties you leave to be in dehumanising living conditions. It's apparent that the is a lack of due care on your behalf, and we as a community have the legal right as a human to live in safe and clean conditions, free of substances that can cause illnesses like asbestos, mould and damp, let alone water damage, smoke inhalation due to lack of extraction fans and mobility's functions due to uneven surfaces and structures.

We would like a full repair to all properties and compensation for the health damages we will never ever be able to replace, due to years of damage to date. Also we call for a change in transparency in communications, restructuring of your internal procedures, retraining of staff-to be more empathetic and communicative. An apology and a change of behaviour from elected bodies that are meant to help not hinder people's well being and development, which starts from within the home. Psychological studies have shown how a disrupted environment can have a toll on the body and mind. Knowing this, we request a change, so we as a collective community can be be the best citizens and thriving working community that our area needs.

Why is this important?

It is important we all sign this petition, as individually we are being ignored. Calls are falling by the wayside and or on deaf ears. Media coverage is not enough, it is time we join forces and be heard as a group of individuals, tired of paying to live in less than healthy environments. We should be heard and helped.

Living in these environments and the people around me too, I have seen how it effects someone's happy mental state. They're more likely to be depressed, have anxiety or are triggered easily. Your home base should always be a source of peace, yet when it is in disarray, is very hard to find stability and pace which in turn causes conflict. It has been proven hence why we have human rights. Living in unhealthy environments has an adverse effect on the body and mind, I believe we should by at the very least put our name to this petition much less take them to court.

Croy, Glasgow G65 9HJ, UK

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