To: Rishi Sunak

Do not lower student repayment threshold

Stop the student repayment threshold being lowered.

Why is this important?

Ministers are reportedly planning to lower the salary level at which graduates start to repay their student loan to a salary of under £25,000, maybe as low as £20,000. During a time where young people have sacrificed so much from astronomical university fees only for an online education in addition to the increased tax rates that we will face for many years to come, this current proposal will hit the younger generation particularly hard and widen the gap further between the working class and the wealthy. At an already stretched time of job losses and high tax rates, lowering the threshold to such a low amount would be an injustice.

Those who have been to university, are currently attending university or those who would like to go - this is yet another large bill you will have to foot ultimately reducing your ability (even further) to be able to one day own a home for yourself or your family.