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To: Governors of Wrington School


Limited access to the School at drop off and collection times.
We feel that we all should be allowed to choose which entrance we use during drop off and collecting our children.
Especially since the new traffic calming measures have been put in place it is making the school run dangerous to our most vulnerable pedestrians young children! The planters that were put in place for social distancing and safety are causing so many problems from forcing children out into the road on a blind bend, having to step out into the road to see around the planters before they can cross.
These so called safety measures have been hit by vehicles on numerous occasions if a person or child was standing there it would be fatal.
The darker winter nights are about to set in which is only going to make the whole situation even more dangerous.
You are forcing parents living at the top entrance to the school to walk past the gate down the hill twice a day with no pavement out into the road on a blind bend with very young children this is not safeguarding this is dangerous!
We as parents don’t want access into the school we would just like to be able to take our children to the most appropriate gate.
There is also an issue for vulnerable children, siblings and parents in the school with health or mobility issues that can make it up or down the hill you say you promote ‘access for all’ but you are leaving out vulnerable people.

Why is this important?

Please help us raise awareness and the opportunity for safe access for all the children at Wrington School.

Bristol BS40, UK

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2022-09-26 20:36:38 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-09-26 15:28:35 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-09-26 14:08:18 +0100

10 signatures reached