To: Boris Johnson. 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA.

Drop the Petrol Prices.

Dear MR Johnson.
Don't you think that you are seriously Ripping off the Country by over charging for fuel. this is the most expensive fuel has ever been in my 52 years on this planet. I know we are supposed to be heading for Zero emission by 2050. but be serious ripping people off is not the way to go about it. you want them to stop using fuel you have to give them better incentives like forcing the vehicle industry to lower their prices on Hybrid, Electric, and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology powered Vehicles. and I would like to know why there isn't a Hydrogen pump in all fuel stations now. You have to remember you made promises to the people years ago when you got put into power and to be honest you are failing big time. I had never in my life voted conservative. but I voted for you but you have seriously disappointed me you used to have passion. now you have your Cabinet bullying you to do their bidding because they might have shares in one company or another. You said you had struck a deal to get the excess fuel we needed from elsewhere. What kind of deal doubles the cost of fuel over the last 15 years? You need to reduce the import duty and VAT on fuel. Grow a pair Boris and stand up to your Cabinet you are in charge not them. Or have you forgotten who pays your wages.
We the tax payers do. I call on all Supermarkets and independent fuel company's to drop their prices refuse to pay any Government Taxes on the fuel. I call on all the Car company's to reduce the prices of their Hybrid, Electric, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles to make them more affordable. I urge the Government to get a better deal for the Cost of Fuel. but until it does lower the VAT and duty on fuel by 75% until the cost of fuel can be brought down to 2007 prices.

Why is this important?

This is to protect the vital services. Like Carers who have to care for the elderly and the infirm with the cost of fuel at its highest it has ever been and carers getting very small wages. how can they afford to use their vehicles to get to their clients if they can't afford the fuel to put in them. With the cost of fuel rising how can delivery firms afford to deliver fuel to the stores and their clients with out forwarding the extra cost onto the general public who are already taxed to the hilt. How can services such as bus services and cab services that take children to school afford to run their business if the fuel costs over take their Maintenance Budget. Again the general public are suffering under the rule of over paid Government officials. At Christmas I purchase a Diam Cake from Sainsbury's it cost me £3. Three weeks ago I purchased the same Diam cake from the same branch of Sainsbury's and it now £4. that is a 33.3% markup on its original price. The reason the cost has risen because it cost more to transport it to the store. You go into a pound shop now only Approximately 60% of the Products cost a Pound. because they have to sell more expensive stuff to get a larger profile margin to cover the excessive cost's. Enough is enough We have become one of the most expensive countries in the world. We are in the top 30 number 26 to be precise. last year we were 27th. I would like to see us at least out of the top 30 increase in prices means decrease in Tourism which is bad for the economy. So I think that if enough people sign this and share it maybe the voice of the people can be heard.
United Kingdom

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