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To: Chloe Smith MP: Minister of State (Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work)

Equal rights for disabled drivers

Investigate the DVLAs policies regarding booking practical driving tests for disabled drivers.

Why is this important?

There needs to be an investigation into the DVLAs policies regarding booking practical driving tests for disabled drivers. Disabled people need to book a two-hour test session, but there is no online calendar for them, as opposed to the one for able-bodied drivers. They have immediate access to all available slots on a calendar, which means they can book their test in a matter of minutes. Disabled drivers, have to wait on hold for up to two hours to book their tests by telephone.

We should all be treated as equals. Being disabled means you are less advantaged to start with. Living with and dealing with extra trials and challenges is difficult enough without being made to face on a daily basis that you don't have an equal place in society.


2021-11-12 07:54:58 +0000

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