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To: Electoral Commission

EU referendum campaign misrepresentation

Statements made by various leaders and supporters of the 'Leave' campaign prior to the EU referendum on 23 June 2016 misrepresented information and may have unfairly influenced some or all of the 17, 410.742 voters who voted to leave the EU.

In particular but not exclusively, the claim that the UK pays the EU £350m (nett) per week was untrue and misleading. Similarly, unsubstantiated claims about immigration were made and repeated on a regular basis.

We urge you to declare the result of this referendum to be VOID and that the perpetrators of these cynical misrepresentations be prosecuted.

Why is this important?

This misrepresentation is a shocking attack on democracy and may adversely and irrevocably affect the future of the UK and generations of it's population.

Please SIGN and SHARE this petition to Electoral Commission.


2016-06-26 08:39:30 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-06-25 11:35:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-06-25 08:42:55 +0100

10 signatures reached