To: Catherine West (Haringey MP)

Improve Finsbury Gardens

Finsbury Gardens needs to change for the better. We want better facilities for younger children, we need more benches, we need to get rid of some bushes because they have spikes and they can hurt people, we need to make the fences taller to avoid children getting hurt and cars or windows getting damaged. We also need more bins because sometimes the bins overflow and people throw there trash on the grass.

Why is this important?

This is a local park where all the locals go on the weekend to have a nice picnic while there child is playing football or playing in the playground. This is also very important to me because when I was growing up I went to this park everyday and I didn't feel safe especially when there where teenagers playing football. So I want to make this park a safe space so other kids can feel safe and enjoy there time at this park.

64 Truro Rd, London N22 8DN, UK

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