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To: Shaun Woodward St. Helens mp

Fireworks - limiting noise

To call for a noise limit to fireworks that the public can purchase.

Why is this important?

My aim with this campaign is to try and get a law to limit the noise in fireworks that are for sale to the general public. Yes we all like fireworks, I have some on bonfire night for my son, but always get some that don't really make much noise as it's the display you want to see not the noise!!!
Sadly on Friday 7th this year my dog had a stroke from the stress of the noise of some fireworks set off locally. She has to take diazepam prescribed by the vet to cope with the usual noise from fireworks and had done so on bonfire night and the following night but I was saving the rest for the weekend as knew thee would be more then. Luckily she survived but will take a long while to get her back to her old self if at all possible. I just feel some of these fireworks are like bombs going off and there if no need for this amount of noise to enjoy them.

Please help me try and save a lot more nervous animals out there by trying to get a law in place to reduce the noise limit for public purchase. Thanks
Great Britain

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2014-11-16 13:51:36 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-11-14 19:09:00 +0000

10 signatures reached